MCLS Twitter Chat: Sustaining Yourself

With Amy J. Paget: Consultant, Facilitator, and Assistant County Librarian at the Tippecanoe County Public Library, Lafayette, Indiana

  1. Welcome to our chat on Sustaining yourself! We have special guest @AmyJPaget. She will be sharing insights with us. #mclschat
  2. Please feel free to jump in with your own thoughts, ideas as well at anytime #mclschat
  3. Glad to be here. It's an important topic. #mclschat
  4. Hello to everyone else on the chat. Please say hello and say where you are tweeting from. #mclschat
  5. Q1. What do we mean by “sustaining ourselves?” #mclschat
  6. A1. Let’s energize ourselves and others to experience joy, to do good work and to follow our passions . #mclschat
  7. A1. Create an agreement with yourself and practice rejuvenation. Harwood Innovation link: . #mclschat
  8. Q2. Why do librarians need to talk about sustaining ourselves? #mclschat
  9. A2. Public service is exhilarating and enervating. #mclschat
  10. Constant stream of disruptions... Absolutely! My email just dinged 5 times with stuff to tell staff immediately~ #mclschat
  11. I agree with Anna...e-mail controls my life. #mclschat
  12. @AmyJPaget... That's a good question! I really don't have an answer! #mclschat
  13. I try to schedule time for myself on my calendar to make sure I get to work on at least some of my priorities. #mclschat
  14. A2. Process improvement can address disruptions/distractions. #mclschat
  15. I do have a daily and weekly "to-do" list to help keep me on track #mclschat
  16. @brudercl. Good job Connie. That's on my list of tools later in agenda. #mclschat
  17. A2. The library; not ever a quiet refuge! Consumer Health Day Link: . #mclschat
  18. Q3. What are you doing to sustain yourself? #mclschat
  19. I try to keep a list of accomplishments. It helps on the dark days. #mclschat
  20. A3. Create an applause or appreciation file. LinkedIn: . Connie's got this! #mclschat
  21. @AmyJPaget I love this idea! I had this at my last job, and it helped a TON on days when everything felt off or I was exhausted #mclschat
  22. A3. Customize your office environment with visuals and music you love. Best digital frames: ; #mclschat
  23. Is Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack considered relaxing? lol #mclschat
  24. @AmyJPaget @brudercl Decorate with all those wine and canvas works of art! #mclschat
  25. Very funny. I have 2 hanging in my office. #mclschat
  26. @meb144 running is only thing which keeps me functional #mclschat
  27. A3. Engage in hobbies and activities we love. Amy collages. You? #mclschat
  28. Making time for a vacation even if the before and after the trip are challenging. #MCLSchat
  29. A3. Understand yourself, your energies. Are you a lark, an owl, or a butterfly? . #mclschat
  30. I picked up a musical instrument about 5 years ago, it was very helpful. #mclschat
  31. What Carol said about before and after vacation-- very true. I have a lot of stress surrounding the vacation time. #mclschat
  32. A3. Walk in beauty! Office flowers, music…. CHOCOLATE. #mclschat
  33. @marybellefleur Hold on to your vacation Go. recharge. It empowers your work #mclschat
  34. Q4. How do you make sustaining practice a priority or fit them into your day? #mclschat
  35. A4. Schedule time for yourself first. Honor its priority.  #mclschat
  36. A4. Make healthy time easy. I exercise right after work; don’t go home, for example. . #mclschat
  37. A4: I try to get away from my desk & out of the office at lunch by taking a walk. Not possible every day however. #mclschat
  38. I have a workout ball in my office. I wish I used it more. #mclschat
  39. A4. Move your follow through from just UP one notch! Incremental #mclschat
  40. My Fitbit helps. I can see when I've been sitting for too long, and get up and move #mclschat
  41. Lark, owl, butterfly? More like a slug. ;) #mclschat
  42. Q5. How can employers support their staff in sustaining themselves? #mclschat
  43. A5. Create wellness programs. Your health insurer and/or local providers can help. . #mclschat
  44. A5. Negotiate local deals/discounts for recreation, entertainment, exercise. #mclschat
  45. A5. Ask Friends/Support groups to fund wellness. #mclschat
  46. Let your employees know about recreational activities that are low cost or free. Like those State Park Passes at the library... #mclschat
  47. A5. Partner with student wellness practitioners. #mclschat
  48. Let employees know it's okay to take a walk when they need a break #mclschat
  49. Q6. We feel like we have to say yes to everything. How do you say “No”? #mclschat
  50. A6. Negotiate your yeses and nos. Let me think about that…. . #mclschat
  51. Usually to their face. Unpleasant, but no end runaround. #mclschat
  52. A6. Recognize your triggers...which may be your passions! #mclschat
  53. Q7. How do you deal with a boss who keeps expecting more and more of you? #mclschat
  54. A7. Be professionally honest with supervisor. State what you can do; what you cannot. . #mclschat
  55. A7. Don’t whine to your boss or engage when emotionally spent. #mclschat
  56. Q8. How can librarians engage with their communities, be at the community meetings and tables without working 24/7? #mclschat
  57. A8. What a great question! Call me Monday. Hand out card. #mclschat
  58. A8. Delegate! You do not equal the library… #mclschat
  59. @AmyJPaget Delegating is HARD - sometimes seems easier/faster to just do ourselves! But GREAT reminder! #mclschat
  60. @JanD91215. Delegating helps colleagues GROW. Delegating winnows supervisors away from perfection! #mclschat
  61. A8. I am focused on x right now. Call me…. can we talk tomorrow? #mclschat
  62. A8. Let’s hear from you. This is a tricky question! #mclschat
  63. Q9. How do you handle it when people “guilt” you when you take a vacation? #mclschat
  64. A9. Refuse to take it on! The research proves you are right! . #mclschat
  65. A9. Fight against poor workplace expectations. Lead to create new. . #mclschat
  66. vacations are for your family and they should always come first. #mclschat
  67. Q10. What are some signs of actual burnout? #mclschat
  68. A10. Reputable assessment surveys can assist. #mclschat
  69. Do you have examples of reputable assessment surveys? #mclschat
  70. When I am too stressed to go home and enjoy time with my kids. #mclschat
  71. @MCLSChrystal Really look at your energy levels. Get tested. Something else may be going on. #mclschat
  72. @AmyJPaget #mclschat trouble sleeping has been a burnout sign for me in the past.
  73. @Roadlibrarian @AmyJPaget Break the insomnia pattern medically. Then explore the causes. #mclschat
  74. being pulled in a bunch of directions, so never feeling like you're accomplishing anything #mclschat
  75. @JanD91215 Keep that accomplishment record. Whip it out whenever you get bogged down. #mclschat
  76. @JanD91215 Do a daily personal reflection log...and you will be amazed at what got done! #mclschat
  77. Q11. What are the things about our work that can lead to burnout? #mclschat
  78. @AnnaZichiCurtis . Any triggers? Identify them so you can practice saying No! #mclschat
  79. Q13. What can we do when we feel ourselves burning out?’ #mclschat
  80. A13. Do something that brings you joy. Give yourself permission. #mclschat
  81. Finally, THRIVE! Let’s further explore this topic personally or at your institution. Reach me @ #mclschat
  82. We are out of time! Thank you @AmyJPaget for all your ideas on how to sustain ourselves! #mclschat
  83. Our next chat is Sep 15 on Patron Bashing, and how it's killing our spirits. See you then! #mclschat