MCLS Third Thursday Twitter Chat: Library of Things
An open discussion with our library community!
- A1. Positions libraries as part of the “sharing economy” for “lumpy goods” http://whr.tn/1R2Zjws #mclschat
- #mclschat Bristol pubs cake pans pic.twitter.com/tkT2ZCkQ3U
- #mclschat Bristol Public Library seed library pic.twitter.com/IMshZXvCJ0
- @Julie_Noted what library are you with and what are you circulating? #mclschat
- A8. The Reading Pennsylvania PL agreement for Library of Things http://bit.ly/2gHRG5D #mclschat
- A11 Do people ask for instructions on using things? Some include links to user’s manuals in the record http://bit.ly/2gFZ1RV #mclschat
- @meldotorg I like that too - great idea! #mclschat
- @Roadlibrarian Hi Michelle -- how do you deal with cleaning / items returned with food residue? Has this been an issue? #mclschat