- Holy smokes - its raining cats, dogs, and squirrels here in Lansing #MCLSchat pic.twitter.com/4UpVrxnNjI
- A1: It's hard to find a library that has not weeded or moved collections off-site for more student space. #LibraryMustardSeed #mclschat
- A2: And before I am corrected about it all online, cue Hades from Disney's Hercules - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G5veN8FHB0 … #mclschat
- A2: I don't believe trends showing desire for print and return of vinyl LPs will save our physical collections. #ThatShipHasSailed #mclschat
- A4: Kresge's Backstory - From 2015 ReThink It Conference at GVSU http://qub.me/ #mclschat
- A4: This article from the LA Times just yesterday - http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-college-libraries-20170419-story.html … #mclschat
- A7: With apologies to @DearEvanHansen - "Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention" (from Sincerely Me)! #mclschat
- A8: And when it snows….we really don't sweat it because we are not a major public space any longer. #SilverLinings #mclschat
- A9: Here are the slides for that - https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/97763 … #mclschat
- A11: You do not need alot of space to do great things - leaving you with an appropriate image! https://flic.kr/p/SdJsPF #mclschat
- Join us next month for Data based decision making with Kimberly Young, Director @HoughtonLakeLib #mclschat