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Linked Data Users Group

Linked Data for Libraries Users Group (LDUG)

MCLS Linked Data Users Group Wikidata Edit-a-thon: People

Join the Linked Data Users Group of the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) for a free, semi-synchronous, week-long virtual event that explores Wikidata. No prior experience is necessary! Project staff will provide you with everything you need to create and edit Wikidata entities.

This edit-a-thon will take place the week of April 7-11. An opening event on the 7th will include an introduction to editing Wikidata. A closing event on the 11th will review and celebrate what we achieved together. A Slack channel will be available to communicate with fellow Wikidata editors throughout the week.

In this edit-a-thon, we will focus on adding people. Participants may create Wikidata entries of their own choosing or create and edit entries for people provided by the edit-a-thon staff.

These events are free to all and will take place via Zoom; however, you must register in advance. Join for either event and edit during the week as much as you'd like. We will provide instructions, tools, data sources, and an optional Slack channel for chat. If you have questions, please contact LDUG steering committee chair Marianne Swierenga, marianne.swierenga@wmich.edu. And if you're ready to join us, use the registration link to reserve your spot.

Before the Event

  1. If you don’t already have a Wikimedia account, please create an account on Wikidata.org: Create Account new-window-icon.png
  2. Register for the Opening and/or Closing Events using the Zoom registration links above
  3. Complete this Google form new-window-icon.png to be added to the Wikidata Event Dashboard (required) and MCLS LDUG Slack channel (optional); (Link for existing users: https://mclsldugwikidata.slack.com) new-window-icon.png.
  4. (Recommended) complete these three Wikidata Training Modules new-window-icon.png: Introduction to Wikidata; Databases and Linked Data; and Adding to Wikidata


As a result of a successful Linked Data Summit held in March 2017, MCLS facilitated the formation of a multi-state Linked Data for Libraries Users Group. The purpose of the group will be for libraries to discuss the latest developments in Linked Data for libraries, share experiences, explore new products, and raise awareness.

Steering Committee Members:

Marianne Swierenga, Western Michigan University, MI (Chair)
Kathryn Bacone, Indianapolis Public Library, IN
Michael Bradford, Wayne State University Libraries, MI
Heidi Keppen Palmer, University of Michigan-Dearborn, MI
Jennifer Liss, Indiana University, IN
Julia Palos, Ball State University, IN

For questions, please contact:

Marianne Swierenga, Steering Committee Chair: marianne.swierenga@wmich.edu
Megan Dudek, MCLS: dudekm@mcls.org

Looking for resources or more information about linked data? Check out this list of resources from the steering committee.


Recordings of past meetings & events:

November 13, 2024 All-Users Group Meeting:
Waiting for Production: Making Use of Long Liminality
Ruth Kitchin Tillman - Cataloging Systems and Linked Data Strategist from Penn State University Libraries
View the recording new-window-icon.png

April 22 & 26, 2024 Wikidata Events:
Spring 2024 Wikidata Edit-a-thon: Indiana & Michigan Schools
Opening Event: Monday, April 22, 2024, 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern - Recording new-window-icon.png
Closing Event: Friday, April 26, 2024, 1-2 p.m. Eastern - Recording new-window-icon.png

Oct. 24, 2023 All-Users Group Meeting:
Future applications of AI in creating and managing library metadata
Philip E. Schreur - Deputy University Librarian, Stanford University Libraries
Caroline Saccucci - Chief of the U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division at the Library of Congress
Robin Fay - Cataloging/Metadata Librarian and Trainer
Recording link new-window-icon.png

April 17 & 21, 2023 Wikidata Events:
Spring 2023 Wikidata Edit-a-thon: Local Theatre Arts Organizations
Opening Event: Monday, April 17, 2023 - Recording new-window-icon.png
Closing Event: Friday, April 21, 2023 - Recording new-window-icon.png

Nov. 2, 2022 All-Users Group Meeting:
Library System's Readiness for Linked Data: Presentation by Marshall Breeding
Recording link new-window-icon.png
Recording link-YouTube new-window-icon.png

April 25 & 29, 2022 Wikidata Events:
Spring 2022 Wikidata Edit-A-Thon: Indiana and Michigan Book Awards, opening event linknew-window-icon.png & closing event linknew-window-icon.png - Virtual exploration of Wikidata and the award-winning books from and about Indiana and Michigan, presented by MCLS's Linked Data Users Group

Oct. 28, 2021 All-Users Group Meeting:
The Making of Enslaved.org new-window-icon.png - Presentation by Seila Gonzalez Estrecha and Dean Rehberger, Matrix (the Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University)

Oct. 15, 2020 All-Users Group Meeting:
Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian: Q&A with the Authors new-window-icon.png - Discussion with Cory Lampert, Darnelle Melvin, and Anne Washington

Nov. 13, 2019 All-Users Group Meeting:  
Download a recording: LD Users Group Meeting 11-13-19.mp4
Linked Data Models and Their Implications for Search pdf-icon.png - Presentation by Stephen Hearn, University of Minnesota
Linked Data In Inspire pdf-icon.png - Presentation by Maurine McCourry, Hillsdale College
Making the Future Happen With MARCEdit pdf-icon.png - Presentation by Robin Fay

Nov. 7, 2018 All-Users Group Meeting:
Download a recording: LD Users Group Meeting 11-7-18.mp4
Slides from Andrew Weidner's "Planting Cedar" presentation new-window-icon.png

May 2, 2018 All-Users Group Meeting:
Semantic Web, Authority Control, and You pdf-icon.png - Presentation by Jennifer Liss, Indiana University
Library.Link Network Update from Zepheira pdf-icon.png - Presentation by Jeff Penka, Zepheira, LLC
Q&A Recording: LDUG_Meeting_Recording_05022018.mp4
Meeting Chat pdf-icon.png

Download a recording of 10/4/17 Users Group meeting: LD Users Group meeting 1 - 10-4-17.mp4

Linked Data Interest Group Mailing List

The Linked Data Interest Group is an electronic discussion list for library staff interested in linked data.

Archives new-window-icon.png

Current subscribers, manage your account. Enter your email address: