Are you a vendor interested in working with MCLS?
We believe partnering with vendors offers advantages not just to our members, but to vendors and MCLS as well. Working with MCLS allows you to broaden your reach and impact, simplify purchasing, and leverage the MCLS reputation for trusted resources and services.
MCLS eLicensing and Collection Resources works with over 600 member libraries and organizations including Academic, K-12, Public, Medical, and Special libraries primarily in Indiana and Michigan and nonmember purchasers from across the country and around the globe. We are a non-profit library collaborative, that is member-owned and governed. Guided by the MCLS mission and values, we work closely with our members to understand their needs, users, and the constraints they work under to select and purchase through MCLS. We aim to save members time and money by managing the purchasing cycle, from quotes, trials, license terms, and invoicing by working with vendors to negotiate reduced pricing on products and services.
How Partnering with MCLS works:
MCLS has partnerships with all types of vendors, including those that offer electronic databases, eBooks, journals, library supplies and products, and software. MCLS acts as a single point of contact for both vendor and member.
- For vendors of electronic resources: We simplify the quote, renewal, and invoicing process for you and the member. MCLS also manages the license agreement process, signing agreements with vendors on behalf of members. We seek partnerships that benefit our members through cost savings for our members of at least 15% overall. We monitor our members’ budgetary constraints and seek renewal increases of 3% or less. Members cannot absorb costly and unexpected increases and continue to subscribe. We ask vendor partners to provide renewal pricing in a timely manner and make every effort to keep renewal prices affordable to MCLS members. We use ConsortiaManager to manage our subscription process. To express your interest in becoming a trusted partner with MCLS, please complete and return our New Business Expression of Interest - EOI.pdf
- For vendors of library supplies and products: MCLS members receive a negotiated discount on products, or a selection of products they order directly through your ordering platform. Vendors supply a discount code to MCLS that we share upon request from members. See our partnership agreement for direct-order vendors: Direct Order Agreement 2024.pdf