


For more information contact:

OverDrive is a leading distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, and other digital content. The company hosts nearly two million premium titles from publishers such as Random House, HarperCollins, Harlequin, and Macmillan. OverDrive's online distribution services are used by more than 28,000 libraries, schools, and colleges worldwide.

MCLS Digital Libraries

MCLS Digital Libraries is a shared, growing collection of digital materials including downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines. All content is available to patrons of our 22 participating Michigan public libraries libraries at new-window-icon.png as well as a growing number of reciprocal lending libraries across Michigan. Registered card holders may browse, borrow, and download OverDrive content.

Note: Membership in the MCLS Digital Libraries group is closed to new participants.

Patron assistance

Patrons in need of assistance can visit the Help sectionnew-window-icon.png for how-to videos, lists of supported devices, available apps, and a member library support pagenew-window-icon.png to get help from their home library.

OverDrive Marketplace

In OverDrive Marketplace new-window-icon.png (login required), participating libraries can view helpful statistics and reports, obtain training and marketing materials, and perform tasks like managing patrons' holds and sending requests to OverDrive's support desk.


Participants in our MCLS Digital Libraries group meet in person twice a year to approve a budget, set collection development priorities, and discuss trends and needs. Meetings are held in March and September. Special meetings are held and committees are formed as needed.


Staff at our OverDrive member organizations stay in touch and exchange tips and tricks via the MCLS Digital Libraries electronic mailing list. Contact eLicensing and Collection Resources at for list sign up.

Overdrive for Michigan & Indiana Academics (OMIA)

Overdrive for Michigan & Indiana Academicsnew-window-icon.png (OMIA) is a collaborative effort of Michigan and Indiana academic libraries, launched in February 2022. This shared collection consists of digital materials, including eBooks and audiobooks. Materials are available to patrons of participating institutions, both remotely and in the library. New members are welcome and interested academic libraries are encouraged to request a quote from MCLS at

Collection development responsibilities are shared among participants with a focus on academic resources to support classroom instruction as well as popular titles to encourage leisure reading.

Patron Assistance

Patrons in need of assistance can visit the Help section for how-to videos, lists of supported devices, lending policies or reach out to their individual library.

Library Support and Assistance

In OverDrive Marketplacenew-window-icon.png (login required), participating libraries can view helpful statistics and reports, obtain training and marketing materials, and perform tasks like managing patrons' holds and sending requests to OverDrive's support desk.


OMiA members meet regularly to ensure the successful development of the group and the collection. Meetings are held online using Zoom.

Product list

Product not listed? Request a quote for any product or contact eLicensing and Collection Resources at or 517-939-1382.



Kanopy for public libraries offers a carefully curated collection of over 30,000 ADA-compliant videos—many with group viewing rights—offers something for everyone in your community. Due to state agreements, MCLS does not quote Kanopy for public libraries.

Michigan public libraries contact (
Indiana public libraries contact Paula Roman (



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KBASE (Kanopy Bundled Academic Subscription for Education)

Kanopy BASE (Bundled Academic Subscription for Education) provides unlimited access to a vast pre-curated collection of 10,000 titles at one fixed price. Combined with Kanopy’s signature PDA models, this new subscription model provides the ideal critical mass of movies to efficiently introduce the Kanopy streaming catalog to academic institutions. Pricing is determined by the institution’s full-time enrollment. MCLS members receive a 10% discount of of list pricing.

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OverDrive for Academics Group - Content & Platform

OverDrive for Academics is a shared, growing collection of digital materials including downloadable eBooks and audiobooks. All content is available to patrons of participating libraries at

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