

Acquiring usage statistics for the MeL eResources

Many sites require an administrative username and password to access your library's statistics. In order for statistics to be generated for your institution, you may need to be using either direct or customized URLs. The Geo-IP URLs new-window-icon.png for the EBSCO eResources will also count towards a library's individual statistics, as long as the IP address is registered on the vendor end. To register or report any additions or changes to your library's IP address, use the IP Reporting Form. If you aren't sure which eResource belongs to which vendor, view the breakdown on the MeL eResources by vendor page.

If you do not know your administrative usernames/passwords, or have any questions, please contact the MeL eResources Support Staff.



  1. Go to the PebbleGo Admin module. new-window-icon.png
  2. Enter in a Username and Password.
  3. Click on Article Views and then Download Article Usage to download an Excel file with statistics broken down by module.
  4. Click on Article Popularity to view or download usage by topic.
  5. Click on Game Usage to view or download game play usage.
  6. Click on Top Content to display statistics for everyone in the world using PebbleGo.

  1. Access the resource new-window-icon.png.
  2. At the bottom of the page under Administrator, click on Admin Sign in.
  3. Enter in a Username and Password.
  4. Click on Sign In.
  5. You may be prompted to create a new password in order to fully log in.
  6. Click on My Account in the upper right.
  7. To get usage statistics, click on Pull Usage.
  8. Under Time Frame, enter in a Start Date and End Date.
  9. Select a reporting option under Summarize By.
  10. Click on Generate Report.
  11. The usage statistics will display. There will be options to Email, Download, or Print the results.


  1. Go to the EBSCOadmin module new-window-icon.png (Requires a User ID and Password).
  2. Click on Reports & Statistics.
  3. Click on Standard Usage Reports.
  4. Select the Report Type and enter in Filters and Groupings
  5. Under Options, select the Totals Only or Detailed.
  6. Under Export, select Download or E-mail and fill in the required information.
  7. Click on the Tutorial link at the top to view an EBSCO tutorial on generating statistics.

Auto Repair Source (Formerly known as AutoMate)

Auto Repair Source statistics are not displayed with the EBSCO usage statistics report. MCLS receives a monthly report from EBSCO for Auto Repair Source. Those statistics are posted below. Contact MeL eResources Support Staff with any questions.

EBSCO LearningExpress

In order to access detailed usage statistics and summary data, you need to register an account with EBSCO. If you do not have an account, please contact the MeL eResources Support Staff.

  1. Go to the LearningExpress Usage Reports Portal new-window-icon.png (Requires a Username and Password).
  2. Under Detailed Usage or JCA Dashboard, click on View Dashboard to select a date range to generate the report.
  3. Click on Guide for further information on how to generate statistics.

MyHeritage Library Edition

MyHeritage Library Edition statistics are not displayed with the EBSCO usage statistics report. MCLS receives a monthly report from EBSCO for MyHeritage Library Edition. Those statistics are posted below. The EBSCO Customer ID is used, rather than library name, please contact MeL eResources Support Staff if you do not know your EBSCO Customer ID.

Read It!

Read It! statistics are not displayed with the EBSCO usage statistics report. MCLS receives a monthly report from EBSCO for Read It!. Those statistics are posted below. Read It! will be noted in the Database column for each institution. Visit the EBSCO site new-window-icon.png for information about what the statistics report displays. Contact MeL eResources Support Staff with any questions.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

Britannica School

Usage reporting is 48 hours behind in processing. It is best to wait until the 3rd of each month to run the usage for the prior month.

  1. Go to new-window-icon.png (Requires a Username and Password).
  2. Leave All Accounts in the first box.
  3. Enter in a Start Date and End Date.
  4. Select a Report Type and File Format.
  5. Check the boxes next to Summary Report (Grand Totals Only) and Advanced Excel Style, if desired.
  6. Under Subscribed products, select the specific products.
  7. Click on Generate Report to generate the report.
    • Sessions - Logins
    • Queries - Search terms
    • Documents - Full text articles accessed/viewed
    • Media - All multimedia, including video clips, extended play videos, audio files, photos, illustrations, maps, interactive timelines, multimedia lessons, etc.
    • Note that the Totals column is a combination of every other column to the right added together, (Documents, Queries, and Media), except for Sessions for all the different sites combined on a report. The Total Sessions would be a combination of all of the sessions added together if multiple databases are selected when running a report.


Your institution should receive monthly usage statistics through email. To view older statistics, visit the Gale Admin module new-window-icon.png. If you do not know your Gale Admin User and Password information, contact Gale Technical Support at 800-877-4253.

  1. Go to new-window-icon.png (Requires User and Password information).
  2. Click on Reports on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the View Usage Reports link. From here you can run various reports.
    • Click on Gale Reports to select a report to run. To run a report for a specific Gale eResource, select Gale - Usage by Database or Gale - Usage by Database or Interface
      • Selecting Gale Directory Library from the Databases options will include results for MeL's Encyclopedia of Associations.
      • Selecting Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints from the Databases options will include results for Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints.
      • Selecting Gale Virtual Reference Library from the Databases options will include results for the Gale eBooks titles.
      • Selecting Michigan History Magazine from the Databases options will include results for Michigan History Magazine.
  4. For further information, please visit the Gale Usage Reporting support page new-window-icon.png.


World Book

Contact the MeL eResources Support Staff for monthly World Book usage statistics.