The links on the main MeL eResources page are Geo-IP URLs. For most Geo-IP URLs (exceptions are below), when a user clicks on a link, it will check to see if the user is coming from a registered IP address (on the vendor end), then check to see if a user is within Michigan (based on their IP address). If a user is coming from either a registered/Michigan IP address, then they will be allowed to access the resource. If the user isn't seen as coming from a registered/Michigan IP address, then the user will be directed to authenticate using MeL's secondary authentication page, which includes the following options to log in with:
There will be instances of users from within Michigan getting to that secondary authentication page, as not everyone within Michigan is seen as coming from a Michigan IP address.
Usage of these links will only count towards an individual library’s statistics for the EBSCO eResources as long as the vendor has those IP addresses registered on their end. Please note that Explora content may differ based on what URL is being used and where the user is accessing that URL, for further information on Explora access, visit the Explora Information page. Not all features of the eResources will work if a user has to log in with a Michigan driver's license number/official State of Michigan ID or a MeLCat library barcode. Contact the MeL eResources Support Staff with any questions or issues.
Direct URLs will only work if a user is coming from a registered IP address (on the vendor end). To register or report any additions or changes to your library's IP address, use the IP Reporting Form
Contact the MeL eResources Support Staff for more details or if you have any questions.
The contracts for each MeL eResource vendor have different provisions regarding allowable remote access for library patrons. The following is a summary of what other forms of remote access libraries are permitted to make available for each eResource vendor. Contract guidelines restrict the use of passwords. Usernames and passwords may never be posted on any webpages, in newsletters, newspapers, etc. They may only be shared with individual patrons.
Direct URLs are often used in conjunction with Remote Patron Authentication configuration. For information on configuring your library's RPA system or for technical support, please contact the MeL eResources Support Staff. To register or report any additions or changes to your library's IP address, use the IP Reporting Form.
Libraries may offer remote access to PebbleGo using remote access usernames and passwords. Referring URLs for secure sites are also available. There are options on the vendor's site for LMS integration and linking to specific articles within PebbleGo. Contact the MeL eResources Support Staff to request remote access information or your PebbleGo SQS code.
Libraries may offer remote access to EBSCO's eResources if the library has its own remote patron authentication system that requires patrons to enter a patron ID to gain access to the eResource. Libraries are also able to set up remote access username and passwords. Patrons may also create their own accounts at the library, then log on to the EBSCO collection remotely by using the EBSCO URLs listed on the Direct URLs page .
Libraries may offer remote access to EBSCO LearningExpress if the library has its own remote patron authentication system that requires patrons to enter a patron ID to gain access to the eResource or uses IP authentication. URLs with library specific authentication tokens are also available. Contact MeL eResources Support Staff for help. Patrons may also create their own accounts at the library, then log on to LearningExpress Library as a "returning user."
Libraries may offer remote access to Britannica School using remote Access IDs and Passcodes. Email MeL eResources Support Staff to request remote access information.
Libraries may NOT give out their original Gale password to patrons. Libraries that wish to provide a remote password for their patrons should contact the MeL eResources Support Staff to have a remote password set-up for their account. Libraries should not post the password on the web or in a newsletter or newspaper or other publication. Libraries may offer remote access to the Gale eResources to their patrons if the library has its own remote patron authentication system which requires patrons to enter a patron ID to gain access to eResources.
Libraries may offer remote access to TGIF if the library has its own remote patron authentication system that requires patrons to enter a patron ID to gain access to their eResources.
Libraries may offer remote access to World Book using remote access usernames and passwords. Email MeL eResources Support Staff to request remote access information.