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ALA President-Elect in Second Life

The Shifted Librarian reported that Loriene Roy, ALA President-Elect, is the first ALA President to have an avatar in Second Life. Loriene’s SL name is Mukwa Dibou (Mukwa means bear in the Ojibwe language).

A number of staff here at MLC now have avatars in Second Life, although only a couple are active.  You can visit MLC in Second Life at our building in Cybrary City.  There’s not a whole lot of “there” yet to our building, but Evette is working on it.  There are computer monitors for MLC training workshops and for MeL.  And, of course, there’s the giant portrait of our fearless leader in the front hall.

Second Life will be featured – along with other social networking software and library gaming – at our special program, “R U A nOOb? Bridging the Gap Between Boomers and Gamers,” on February 15.  This is the third program is our series, The Library Rebooted.  You can read about the first two programs in the series on The Library Rebooted blog.