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MLC MySpace Seminar in Second Life

MLCMySpace1_007.bmpOn January 11, 2007, MLC hosted our first event in Second Life. Angela Semifero (known as Semife Roar in Second Life), Deputy Director and Head of Technical Services at the Marshall District Library, gave the presentation, “MySpace is Your Library’s Space: Reference, Programing and Promotion.” Our thanks and congratulations to Angela Semifero for presenting a great program and to Evette Atkin for putting the program together – no easy feat in a virtual world!

MLC was proud to be the debut lecture in Cybrary City, Second Life’s new Talis-sponsored island for librarians. Cybrary City is part of Info Island/Second Life Library services, created to provide a space for participating libraries and library organizations to showcase their local resources.

For further details, please see the latest post in MLC’s special program series blog, The Library Rebooted: Unwrapped:

Do you want to learn more about Second Life? Please consider attending MLC’s next special program in our Library Rebooted series, “R U A nOOb? Bridging the Gap Between Boomers and Gamers.” For information and to register online, go to: