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MLC Staff in Second Life


Here’s a photo of MLC staff taken today in Second Life. From left to right: Diana, Aaron, Ruth, Evette, Mark, Randy, Brian, and Suzanne. If you’re in Second Life, please stop by and visit our MLC building in Cybrary City (see especially our rooftop hot tub with complimentary bathing suits).

One of our neighbors in Cybrary City is the Kansas State Library. Some of you may remember Shannon Roy who used to work at the Library of Michigan. Shannon is now the head of Library Development at the Kansas State Library – read her article on Second Life in her January 2007 newsletter. There’s also a good introduction to Second Life article in the same issue written by Bill Sowers.

Like the Kansas State Library, MLC is still working on finding our opportunities in Second Life. So far, we’ve hosted one seminar in Second Life about MySpace, and on February 20, we’re hosting an afterglow party to celebrate the new MeL gateway (watch this blog and our Second Life announcements for further details). We’re looking forward to hosting more training, meetings and parties in Second Life in the future – suggestions welcome!