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Web 2.0

Click here to see the Web 2.0 video on YouTube that has been making the rounds on library blogs this week. The video, Web 2.0 … the Machine is Us/ing Us, highlights the idea of the web linking people – sharing, trading, and collaborating.

Library 2.0 brings those concepts to libraries – community, collaboration, and creativity. MLC is addressing some of these issues with our special program series this year. See our blog, The Library Rebooted: Unwrapped, to read more and to offer your own comments on the Library 2.0 phenomenon. Also, our annual meeting on October 5 this year will be on the theme, Libraries Build Communities, with keynote speaker Chrystie Hill.

Besides special programs and the various MLC blogs, MLC is looking at additional ways to build communities with our member libraries.  We’re trying out a wiki to give Michigan libraries a place to share their ideas, policies, services, projects, and best practices.  We’re revitalizing our MLC Forums to encourage more participation and input from our Forum members. And, as mentioned in earlier posts on this blog, we’ve built a building in Second Life where we’re investigating how we can use the virtual world of Second Life to connect with our members and enhance our services to you.  [Note: We currently have a building in Cybrary City in Second Life, but it looks likely that we’ll be moving to a bigger building on a new island in the near future – we’ll keep you posted on our location.]

What are you all doing in your libraries to build communities – especially in line with Library 2.0 concepts?  Or, what do you think you’d like to do?  And what staff and resources do you need to do what you want to do?