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Designing Better Libraries – new blog

A new library blog, Designing Better Libraries, has just been launched.  Created in response to the multitude of library-related blogs devoted to pointing out the problems with libraries and librarianship, DBL hopes to address the recognized problems with solutions to improve our profession and libraries.  DBL’s plan is to adapt new ways of thinking and acting that will promote the development and implementation of ideas, strategies and services that will create a better library experience for the users. Sounds a lot like what MLC is doing this year with our Library Rebooted! special program series.

The blog’s introduction states:
“When the words design and library appear in the same sentence it typically relates to either the interior or exterior of a library facility. Designing Better Libraries will take a different approach, and our way of thinking and acting about design is far less about adding cafes and more comfortable furniture as the path to a better library. Instead we’ll be exploring a new way of tackling the ongoing challenge of identifying strategies and methods to improve our libraries so that our community members will feel more compelled to use our services and resources – so that we will become more indispensable to them.”

Looks promising – a blog to watch. Add it to your RSS feeds today!