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ALA Announces Presence in Second Life

The American Library Association announced in a press release this week that they now have space in Linden Labs’ 3D Virtual Reality, Second Life. ALA will have one half of ALA/Arts Island, which will be utilized as a new method for disseminating ALA news and information. It will also be used for reaching out to new audiences, holding events, interacting with members and the public, and exploring the future of library services. The half-island was given to ALA by an anonymous donor.

Jenny Levine, ALA Internet Development Specialist and Strategy Guide, states: “Needless to say, we are very excited to join the library community on Second Life, and we hope we as an association can utilize this technology to work with other library and education professionals who are pioneering efforts in immersive environments such as this one. We also hope to use these opportunities to further advance solutions to the digital divide and participation gap issues that surround Second Life and other virtual worlds.”

As part of the library community already located in Second Life, MLC is pleased to welcome ALA into the fold.  We see ALA’s presence as an exciting new opportunity for Michigan libraries to interact and collaborate with ALA in Second Life.

MLC recently moved into a new building in Second Life on the soon-to-be-opened Cybrary City II.  Our building coordinates are (167, 62, 22).  When Cybrary City II is officially opened, we’ll host a Grand Opening party in Second Life.  Please watch our blog and web site for an announcement.