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Tech Trends for Librarians

Last week, Michael Stephens posted Ten Tech Trends for Librarians 2007 on his blog, Tame the Web.  His advice:
Learn to Learn
Adapt to Change
Scan the Horizon

His post states,
“As we carry out our essential mission of service, stewardship and access, I really want folks in libraries to be able to watch the horizon for trends — and I told the group that in Toronto: ‘We can all be trendspotters. We can all watch for trends that impact not only the profession but our specific communities and user groups.’ Please ponder these and let me know what you think.”

His Tech Trends list includes discussion of:
People want to talk to each other
Redefining LIS jobs
Citizen Journalism
We’re Human
Openness and Sharing
Experience and Play

There is a lot of thought-provoking discussion here.  I especially like the questions he raises about community in the We’re Human discussion:
“Librarians should be very aware of what fosters community. What makes a community pull together? What creates human connections online? We can blather on about technologies and tools until we’re blue in the collective, conference-attending, presentation-giving face, but the key is to use the social networking tools to foster support, connection and FEELINGs.”

For the complete blog post, click here.