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MLA presents Street Legal for Patron Record Privacy

The Michigan Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Committee is offering a workshop on Friday, April 27, Street Legal for Patron Record Privacy. To register, use MLA’s online workshop form.

Lawyers at the workshop will cover library privacy laws and court cases and will discuss the policies, procedures, and staff training needed to comply with those laws, including presentations on:
-the revised USA Patriot Act
-Children’s Internet Protection Act
-Michigan Library Privacy Act
-Electronic Communications Privacy Act and more

The panel of presenters includes:
-Lance Werner, Library of Michigan
-Nicholas L. Bozen, HAL,
-Patrick Corbett, Cooley Law School
-Anne Seurynck, Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C.
-Richard W. Butler, Law, Weathers & Richardson
-Laurie Kelly, Law, Weathers & Richardson

It sounds like a great program! And definitely timely!