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365 Library Days Project

Libraryman, Michael Porter, launched the 365 Library Days Project on April 8. See his blog for details.

Michael encourages libraries to sign up for the 365 Library Days Project. Participating libraries agree to upload 365 pictures from in, around or about their libraries and to tag: 365libs.

He writes, “Just imagine what a valuable historic document you could create for your library with this project! And while you’re at it, at the end of your year commitment, you could contact your local newspaper and tell them about the project, where they could do a story and print selected pictures that you took over the year. Such a substantive advocacy project! It would demonstrate in very real ways, ways that get lost to many people in your community, that you and your library are doing important work every day of the year!”

I hope that Michigan libraries will take Libraryman up on this challenge! If you’re in a Michigan library that has joined the 365 Library Days Project, please post a comment below.