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Update for libraries about MeLCat

The following is posted on behalf of Nancy Robertson, State Librarian, and Randy Dykhuis, MLC Executive Director.

Update for Michigan libraries from Randy Dykhuis and Nancy Robertson about
1) MeLCat servers and 2) the status of NCIP:
1. MeLCat servers

MeLCat is run on several servers. There are two that the DCB libraries use for bibliographic and patron records. The second of these, DCB2, was purchased earlier this year, and we anticipated having it up and running and in production by the end April. Unfortunately, we have run into some problems getting that server into production. In order for DCB2 to be used, it must pass a series of security tests that the Department of Information Technology requires of all servers housed at the State of Michigan data center. We have met most of the requirements but have yet to pass one crucial test. Until we are certified by DIT and the server is in production, we are unable to train any new libraries. We are working hard with DIT and Innovative Interfaces to identify solutions to the problems and get them fixed as soon as possible.

We are hopeful that we can have DCB2 in production by mid-August. But with DCB2 not yet in production, there is a ripple effect on our training schedule. Libraries that had been originally scheduled for training in August will now receive their training in October. All of these libraries have been notified of the change. Because of this change, the training group that had originally been scheduled for the fall, will be much smaller. We anticipate training approximately 20 libraries in November, rather than the 40 we do in a normal sized group.

The ripple effect will continue into 2008. The first group in 2008 will consist of those libraries that had been bumped from the last group in 2007, and they will go live on the system in May 2008. The libraries that had been scheduled for the first group of 2008 will be bumped to the second group and will come up in September.

There are two constraints on the number of libraries that we can implement in any given cycle: 1) the number of trainers and 2) system limitations on the speed and number of records we can upload. That means even with unlimited trainers we could only process a limited number of libraries, and we hit that limitation regularly now.

We know many of you are very eager to join MeLCat and that these changes will inconvenience you. We deeply apologize for that.

2. NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP)

NCIP affects the libraries who join MeLCat as DCB participants, i.e. any library not running an Innovative Interfaces system. Without NCIP, DCB libraries must perform two check-outs for each item. One check-out occurs on the library’s local ILS; the other occurs with the MeLCat software. In addition, DCB libraries must store patron data on the DCB server. NCIP obviates the need for both of these. We have been working hard with Innovative Interfaces and Sirsi/Dynix to get NCIP operational on the system run by the Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperation (UPRLC). We are very close. As with many software design projects, it is the last few requirements that seem to take the longest. We have weekly conference calls with Sirsi/Dynix and Innovative Interfaces so everyone can hear at the same time the latest progress reports. The good news is that the two systems can send and receive messages sent from the other. There are only a couple of messages that need to go between the systems. Once those are in place, we will have a working installation. We are very hopeful that the last remaining hurdles can be cleared in the next few weeks.

Once everything is working, Innovative Interfaces will update their documentation and make that available to any other system that wants to share messages via NCIP.

Randy Dykhuis
Executive Director
Michigan Library Consortium
Nancy R. Robertson
State Librarian
Library of Michigan