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Michigan Libraries Wiki ready to launch

For the past few months, MLC staff and others have been working on putting together content for the Michigan Libraries Wiki – see We’re excited to announce that the wiki is finally “ready for prime time” and will launch formally next week.

Our goal is to provide a useful library wiki for Michigan library staff from all types of libraries. We’re asking library staff, trustees, library friends, consultants, speakers, and others to contribute to the wiki to create a resource for information and news about libraries’ activities, policies, and projects. We invite all to share policies, services, ideas, and best practices.

To build the initial content for the wiki, we began with the most frequent questions that member libraries ask. These included inquiries posted on michlib-l or asked of MLC staff, such as requests for library consultants, sample policies, sample RFPs, lists of libraries providing new services (MySpace pages, blogs, coffee bars, outreach), and more.

Please visit the Michigan Libraries Wiki and tell us what you think. Better yet – please add your library’s accomplishments to the Wiki! Thanks!

[Note: if you have any technical problems adding information to the Wiki, please contact me at 800-530-9019 x121 or]