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Promoting your library to your business community

The Liminal Librarian‘s recent post about consumerism and customer service includes the following about a local public library’s service to new businesses in the community:

The smart: I recently decided it was time to register as a business, so filed a DBA with my local county. The other day, I received a letter from my local library (actually, not my library, since I’m in an unincorporated area and out of district, but I’m guessing they go by ZIP code…) which welcomed me to the area, listed the business-related services the library provides, invited me to come introduce myself to their adult services department, and enclosed a brochure on “improving your bottom line.” Now that’s a good marketing idea.”

Sounds like a good marketing idea – I’m interested to hear what Michigan libraries are doing to promote their services to their local business communities. Are any of you including the MeL business databases in your outreach activities?