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Gigi Lincoln Wins New York Times Award

MLC is thrilled to announce that one of our board members, Gigi Lincoln, has been honored with the New York Times’ prestigious “I Love My Librarian 2008” Award.  Gigi is the Library Media Specialist at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek, Michigan, and is also a MeL Trainer.  Congratulations Gigi!

Gigi was cited for her “immeasurable impact on students and the learning process.” The teachers who nominated Gigi for the award highlighted her willingness to come out of the library to work with teachers on numerous special projects for the students.  For example, one nominator noted: “through her background in Holocaust education and her position as a Museum Teacher Fellow with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Gigi has designed some important supplemental activities impacting students and the learning process at Lakeview High School. She developed blogging projects involving the works of Elie Wiesel and Gerda Weissmann Klein that have enriched Holocaust studies while supporting meaningful technology integration into the curriculum.  During the school year 2005-2006, 10th grade students from Cold Spring Harbor High School, New York, participated with Lakeview students in an online blog while reading Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night. Gigi set up and monitored the blog at:”

Another teacher said, “Our school is a better place because of Gigi Lincoln.  There is no doubt about that.  Besides being ready to assist ANY student or teacher at a
moment’s notice at all times, Gigi makes sure that people are recognized for their work, their successes, and their professional and personal accomplishments. …she is always there to train teachers in our own building on how better use the resources available to us in our school and in our classrooms.  All in all, there is no question that Gigi Lincoln has had a tremendous impact on her profession and the field of education as a whole.”

We at MLC are proud to see Michigan librarians honored with this award. The first Michigan librarian to win the New York Times Award was Margaret Wolfe who received the honor in 2003.  Margaret is currently one of five commissioners on the Michigan Commission for the Blind.