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MLA Launches Website: Michigan Libraries for the Future

Today, MLA launched its new advocacy website, Michigan Libraries for the Future.

MLA President, Larry Neal, writes:

“Today as part of MLA’s Leadership Orientation we have officially launched our new advocacy website. It will serve as an easy way for library advocates to send their message to Lansing. By clicking on the “Write Your Legislator” button they can send a customized e-mail message to their legislators. I hope I can count on every library in Michigan to link to the website so people will act on our request. You will also be able to ‘Tell A Friend’ and forward the alerts to build a strong grassroots network with friends, trustees and library patrons.

“For those of you who serve on boards or know of boards that would be willing to support our position, there is a full resolution on the Press Kit page that you can use and tailor to your needs. I challenge any of you to read it without getting upset about the fact that we have to spend any of our time doing this in the first place.

“Next steps will include providing a downloadable bookmark, targeted points of view, and sample letters to the editor. I will send out further messages as these tools become available shortly. Also, be sure to join the 200 and growing fans of MLA’s Facebook page and sign up for tweets from our new Twitter service (links on new website)!

“Further, plans are coming together for our rally on the steps of the State Capital on Thursday, September 10. The time is 10 a.m. Attire is anything RED (thanks for the idea Bryon Sitler). Also, please contact me if you are able to bring your bookmobile. I keep hearing about how passionate people are about our profession and what we do. I hope to see lots of you and members of your community there. We will not let Lansing “shush” us. We will be heard.

“And last, but not least, as our list of supporters grows, I would like to thank the Michigan Library Consortium for its support, partnership and commitment to this major campaign to protect the Library of Michigan and MeL/MeLCat.”