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MLC/INCOSLA merger update

As merger discussions continue between MLC and INCOLSA, we expect to convene a membership meeting to approve the merger before the end of the year. The merger design team has been meeting regularly since July and expects to complete its work by November 12, when a Memoradum of Understanding (MOU) will be crafted. The MOU will be considered by the MLC board at its November 20 meeting. If the board approves the MOU, it will be sent to the MLC membership for consideration at a special membership meeting, which we have tenatively scheduled for December 16. Please hold this date. The meeting will be held at MLC in Lansing but member representatives will have the option to participate via conference call. (Some of you may remember that we used this method when we sought approval from the membership to purchase our building in 2002.) We expect to have registration information available shortly.

We have exchanged a great deal of information with INCOLSA and have learned much about Indiana libraries. We are convinced, now more than ever, that the merger will allow MLC to thrive, grow, and better adapt to an ever-changing environment.