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Online MeL Databases Webinars Proving Popular

MeL Databases training has moved online, and the first series of classes scheduled during the fall semester have already proven to be very popular. Many classes have filled and have waiting lists. Beginning in January, all of the MeL Databases classes will be online, giving those who model MeL use great opportunities to improve their skills.

With no more driving and no more time away from your library, all you need to attend is a computer connected to the Internet, with speakers. You can use a microphone, but you can also use the online chat function to ask questions and make comments. For further details, see MCLS News: MeL Online Training.

To see the current schedule of MeL Databases webinars and to register, see the MCLS Workshop web page.

The MeL project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.