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Job posting: Community Engagement Librarian

EDIT: This position has been filled.

The Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) is looking for an energetic, creative librarian to be our new Community Engagement Librarian. This new position will coordinate MCLS’ outreach, including training, marketing, and special projects as they arise. Activities include coordinating our monthly e-newsletter “MCLS News”, directing marketing campaigns and other outreach efforts, and developing new training programs and workshops.

This position requires an MLS and at least three years library experience. The best candidate will have knowledge of library trends, an ability to turn ideas into actions, and strong project management skills. Effective organizational skills and attention to details are essential. See complete job description below.

Salary is commensurate with experience. MCLS offers an excellent benefits package including medical, dental, life, and vision insurance. For consideration, please mail your resume to MCLS, Human Resources, 1407 Rensen Street, Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48910-3657. Review of resumes will begin December 21, 2012. Position open until filled.


Community Engagement Librarian

Primary Responsibilities:
Develop and expand MCLS’ community engagement activities including special programs, training programs, marketing activities, and other aspects of MCLS’ public presence. Determine topics for workshops and programs. Design and implement specific marketing activities. Follow trends— technological, social, demographic, etc.—that are likely to significantly affect libraries. Develop strategies and tools to assist libraries in navigating the transition from print to digital environment.

Characteristic Duties:

  1. Develop cutting-edge special programs and training workshops that explore new and upcoming topics of interest to libraries
  2. Develop and expand MCLS’ use of marketing tools and communication vehicles to promote services and programs
  3. Provide a visible public presence at Michigan and Indiana library conferences and programs
  4. Establish MCLS Regional Forums in Michigan and Indiana
  5. Work with Training Coordinator to maintain smoothly-running training program
  6. Schedule and deliver on-site and online training to member libraries on request
  7. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of MCLS’ marketing and communication plan

Related Duties:

  1. Work with Training Coordinator to prepare the semi-annual workshop schedule
  2. Travel to events and libraries in Michigan and Indiana
  3. Work with marketing team
  4. Attend MCLS staff meetings
  5. Attend seminars and workshops related to general professional and personal growth
  6. Maintain knowledge of trends and products in the library and information technology marketplace
  7. Other duties as assigned


  1. MLS plus 3 years of library experience
  2. Successful project management experience
  3. Demonstrated ability to manage a diverse set of responsibilities and tasks both independently and as a team member
  4. Knowledge of market for electronic resources, including online database, ejournals, and ebooks
  5. Ability to travel in Michigan and Indiana
  6. Outstanding ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing

Salary Range:
Minimum: $50,000

Supervision Received:
Supervision received from Executive Director

Supervision Exercised: