Mark your calendars for the 2015 Mahoney Workshop on Collaboration and Student Achievement: How School, Public and Academic Libraries are Working Together.
This year, the MAME Preconference workshop will be a collaborative event highlighting the need for all library types to work together to increase student achievement. The one-day event is brought to you by the Library of Michigan, Cooperative Directors Association, MAME, MLA, Mi-ALA, and MCLS.
The event will bring together staff from libraries of all types to discuss and investigate how we can work together to support patrons across the ages and organizations. The program will be held on November 11 as a pre-conference to the MAME Annual Conference in Bay City. A primary focus will be on ways the Michigan library community can support school librarians and media specialists as they work to inform district and building administrators, legislators, and parents about the importance of school libraries and trained staff to keep them open.
We will also look at partnerships that are making an educational difference for K12 students. We will be hearing from keynote speakers Allison Barney from Nashville Public Libraries and Rhonda Huisman from Wichita State University as well as public, academic and school librarians and school administrators from around the state. Plan now to join for this important and informative conference.
Registration information will be coming soon!