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Welcome Member Engagement Administrative Assistant Jan Davidson

MCLS is pleased to announce our newest team member, Jan Davidson.  Jan comes to us with a strong background in nonprofit program management. Since 2012 she served as the Director of Programming and Outreach for the Center for FaithJustice in Lawrenceville, NJ, and recently moved back to her hometown of Lansing. She says, “I’ve worked in nonprofits since college, and I’m thrilled to be joining the staff of MCLS, and staying in that arena. I was raised in a family of big readers and library patrons, and it’s been eye-opening for me to see libraries in 2016 from this side. I’m very much looking forward to learning more about the library community, and to meeting many of you, at least electronically, in the months ahead.”

Jan holds a B.A. from Western Michigan University in Interpersonal Communication.  We expect her diverse expertise and knowledge of nonprofits will benefit the entire MCLS membership and larger library community. Welcome Jan!

Among Jan’s many responsibilities on the Member Engagement Team, she will serve as the primary contact for training and workshops. Please continue to direct your inquiries to, and she will respond.