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Subscribe now to HeritageQuest Online and 168 years of the Detroit Free Press

Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, ProQuest is committed to helping Midwest libraries make an impact in the communities they serve. As a MCLS member, you now have discounted access to two sought-after ProQuest resources used by libraries in our region – and around the world.

  • The Detroit Free Press (1831-1999), fully digitized in ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The most trustworthy source of information for the people of southeast Michigan. From the early days of the auto industry to the 1984 World Series-winning Tigers, users can study the progression of events over time by browsing full-text, full-image issues, including news articles, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, cartoons, and more.
  • HeritageQuest Online: Turn your library into a hub for genealogy research. From the 1700s to today, HeritageQuest Online features genealogical and historical sources from 60 countries, including images of every U.S. census from 1790-1940. With more than 4.4 billion records, it’s an essential resource to help people find their ancestors and learn about a place’s past.

For more information or a quote, contact Chrystal Pickell and Alicea Doyle at or (800) 530-9019 ext 401.