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MCLS members take 30% or more off World Trade Press products

World Trade Press is the world’s premier publisher of country-by-country information products for culture, travel, language, and food. WTP databases help students and teachers understand cultures of the world, learn languages, and become global citizens.

WTP employs a worldwide team of hundreds of professional researchers, writers, editors, database administrators, graphic designers, and web developers whose knowledge, experience, and expertise make their products possible.

MCLS members enjoy a 30% discount on annual subscriptions to products that support learners of all ages. WTP products are affordable for libraries of all types and sizes. Additional discounts apply when you subscribe to more than one product.

Visit our World Trade Press vendor page for a list of available products. To request a quote, reach out to MCLS Group Purchasing at or 517-939-1382. Not an MCLS member? Join today!