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What’s new in training?

There are many exciting training opportunities coming up in the next few months – both brand-new workshops and returning workshops taught by new instructors. Check out the following: 

  • Cataloging Graphic Novels and Formats (previously entitled Graphic Detail: Cataloging Graphic Formats) is Oct. 2, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central), and Cataloging Children’s Materials (previously entitled Child’s Play: Cataloging Children’s Materials) is Nov. 6, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central) and both will be taught by new instructor Jen Conway.  
  • Copy Cataloging of Audio and Video Materials Using RDA (a combination of the previous Copy Cataloging of Sound Recordings Using RDA and Copy Cataloging of Video Recordings Using RDA) is Oct. 8-10, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central) and will be taught by new instructor Sommer Browning. 
  • The previous MCLS workshop BIBFRAME: An Overview, has been updated and expanded into two individual workshops entitled Introduction to BIBFRAME which is Nov. 7, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central), and BIBFRAME Applications which is Nov. 21, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central). Both workshops are taught by Autumn Faulkner.  
  • Advanced Serials Cataloging is a newly developed course that will be taught by Steve Shadle who also teaches Serials Cataloging and Electronic Serials Cataloging for MCLS. Advanced Serials Cataloging will be Dec. 3-5, 2-4 p.m. Eastern (1-3 p.m. Central).  

We also have a new Essential Workplace Skills self-paced tutorial taught by Jenny Kobiela-Mondor entitled Introduction to Writing Skills for Librarians. This is available on demand at any time and is free for MCLS members! 

We hope that these workshops may be just what is needed in your journey as a library staff member!  

Questions? Contact Gwen at or 517-220-9950.