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2017 Membership Ballot: Slate of Nominees and Bylaws Amendments

The MCLS Board of Directors has accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five seats whose terms expire at the end of December 2017. Electronic voting to approve the slate of candidates begins on September 18. All Member Representatives should receive an email on September 18 with voting instructions. Votes will be …Read more »

Call for nominations to serve on the MCLS Board of Directors

The MCLS Nominating Committee seeks nominations from the membership for the following openings on the MCLS Board of Directors: Special Library Representative (Indiana) Academic Library Representative (Indiana) K12 Library Representative (Michigan) At-Large Library Representative (Michigan) Research Library Representative (Michigan) Each seat has a three-year term, beginning January 1, 2018 and expiring December 31, 2020. The …Read more »

Randy Dykhuis shares MCLS Annual Meeting highlights

Step out. Take a risk. Dare to make a difference. Keynote speakers Maxine Bleiweis and Barbara Dewey urged attendees at this year’s Annual Meeting to become better innovators. They spoke from their experience as library directors: Bleiweis at The Westport Library in Connecticut and Dewey at Penn State University. Both highlighted the ways that they …Read more »

MCLS has proposed bylaws revisions

At this year’s business meeting, which will be held during our Annual Membership Meeting on November 18, you will be asked to vote on revisions to the MCLS bylaws. The revisions are necessary to bring MCLS into compliance with the updated Michigan Nonprofit Act, which was approved by the legislature in 2015. The MCLS Board …Read more »

Time is running out to register for 2016 Annual Meeting

The theme of this year’s meeting, on Friday, Nov. 18, will be Innovation in Libraries. Our morning keynote speaker will be Maxine Bleiweis of Maxine Bleiweis and Associates who will present on her experiences with innovation as director of the Westport Public Library in Connecticut. Our afternoon keynote speaker will be Barbara I. Dewey, Dean, …Read more »

Nominations open for MCLS Board of Directors

The MCLS Nominating Committee seeks nominations from the membership for the following openings on the MCLS Board of Directors: Special Library Representative (Michigan) Academic Library Representative (Michigan) Public Library Representative (Indiana) At-Large Library Representative (Indiana) Each seat has a three-year term, beginning January 1, 2017 and expiring December 31, 2019. The Board meets 4 times …Read more »

Annual membership meeting scheduled for November 20

Register today for the MCLS Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for November 20, 2015 from 10-11 am Eastern (9-10 am Central). This year’s business meeting will be held online via streaming video and will feature reports from MCLS board chair, Ray Arnett, Executive Director, Randy Dykhuis, and Audit committee chair, Lise Mitchell. There is no cost …Read more »

2015 MCLS Board elections: Slate of nominees

The MCLS Board of Directors has accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five seats whose terms expire at the end of December 2015. Electronic voting to approve the slate of candidates begins on September 14. All Member Representatives should receive an email on September 14 with voting instructions. Votes will be …Read more »

MCLS welcomes new board members

In an overwhelming majority vote, our member representatives voted to elect the proposed slate of new and returning board members. The announcement was made at the MCLS 2014 Annual Meeting on October 3 in Battle Creek. The elected slate: Indiana Academic Library Representative – Nancy Kirkpatrick, Marian University Indiana Special Library Representative – Jennifer Helmen, …Read more »

Help set the MCLS 2014 Annual Meeting unconference agenda!

The afternoon session of the MCLS 2014 annual meeting, on October 3 in Battle Creek, will be an unconference with topics chosen by you, the membership. The overarching theme will be on the future of Midwest regional libraries and how they can engage and transform their communities. Please submit your idea for a topic at …Read more »

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