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Regional Viewing Party Locations for April 10 Library Security Program Announced

We listened to your feedback at our community conversations and are testing out the idea of regional viewing parties for the Securing Your Library in Troubling Times program to be held on April 10, 2014. If you are interested in traveling to a viewing party close to you for networking with other librarians, check out …Read more »

New Workshop Showcase – Creating Makerspaces in Your Library

Learn what goes into programs such as Bike Tech, 3D Printing, Raspberry Pi Programming, Arduino Robotics, and much, much more. No makerspace experience necessary, all are welcome! Get on the fast track to making in your library! This class will be online for two – two hour sessions over two non-consecutive days (February 24 and …Read more »

February MCLS Training Opportunities

February may be the shortest month of the year but it is also one of our busiest training months too! Register today for the following workshops offered by MCLS next month: Feb 4-6 Copy Cataloging of Monographs Using RDA (online) (Deadline to register is today!) Feb 6 Everything You Need to be doing as a …Read more »

MCLS January Workshops

It may be cold outside but that doesn’t mean you have to give up your new year resolution to take more workshops. Register today for the following workshops offered by MCLS in January that you can take in the comfort of your office: January 10 Writing for the Web for Library Websites January 14 MeLCat …Read more »

Securing Your Library in Troubling Times

On April 10, 2014, the Cooperative Directors Association, the Library of Michigan and the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) will provide a program instructing and preparing librarians for a worst case scenario, an Active Shooter situation. The program will be held at Lansing Community College West Campus and will be available through live web …Read more »

Deadline to register for the MCLS Open Access program is today!

TODAY is the last day to secure a seat at next week’s MCLS annual meeting, to be held on Friday, October 4, at the Marten House in Indianapolis. If you are unable to attend in person, you can also register to attend online via streaming video but time to register to view online is limited …Read more »

New Social Media Workshops Announced

MCLS is happy to announce two brand new social media classes being offered in the coming weeks: Creating a Social Media Policy (online workshop)-October 14 Can my employees talk about my organization on social media: What if someone makes a negative comment on my organizations Facebook page? Creating a social media policy and/or guidelines can …Read more »

MeLCat Users Day 2013

2013 MeLCat Users Day will be held on November 14th at the Best Western Plus in South Lansing. (MeLCat old-timers will remember it from its former incarnations as the Causeway Bay or Holiday Inn South.) We hope you’ll join us! We’ve worked hard to make this year’s MeLCat Users Day much more interactive. We read …Read more »

Lisa Carlucci Thomas featured Keynote Speaker at MCLS Annual Meeting

MCLS is pleased to announce Lisa Carlucci Thomas, 2010 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, 2009 ALA Emerging Leader and Director of the library and creative services firm Design Think Do, the keynote speaker at our annual meeting which will be held on October 4, 2013 at the Marten House Hotel in Indianapolis, Indiana. Viewing by …Read more »

Preserving Family Treasures Update!

The link to the live stream is now available No log-in is necessary. This event will be recorded and made available in the future. Librarian for Conservation and Digitization at the Library of Michigan Kevin Driedger will join the conversation during the Q and A period of our September 9 Preserving Family Treasures program. …Read more »

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