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August Training Highlights

Register today for the following upcoming online workshops offered by MCLS in August: August 7-9 Copy Cataloging of Monographs Using RDA August 7-9 Dewey Decimal Classification August 13 MeL Databases for Kids August 20 MeL Databases for Young Adults Part 1 August 21 MeL Databases for Young Adults Part 2 August 22 MeLCat Help! Finding …Read more »

RDA Cataloging Classes Available Through MCLS

Online RDA cataloging workshops now scheduled! For those interested in just a brief introduction of RDA What Does RDA Mean to You?: July 25, September 10 or November 15 AACR2…Meet RDA: July 26, September 12 or November 22 For a hands-on introduction of how to use the RDA toolkit, we have: Copy Cataloging of Monographs …Read more »

Risk Management & Disaster Recovery-Jeanne Drewes to Lead Program on Disaster Management

LANSING, Michigan (July 15, 2013)-Both natural and human generated disasters regularly plague our libraries. Mitigating damage is an ongoing process of preparation. Explore strategies for success and learn practical hands-on techniques in disaster management with internationally recognized expert Jeanne Drewes for a two,  non-consecutive, day program on September 10, and November 8, 2013. Drewes serves …Read more »

July Training Highlights

Register today for the following upcoming workshops offered by MCLS: July 16 MeL Databases for Young Adults Part 1 July 16 MeLCat Reports July 17 MeL Databases for Young Adults Part 2 July 18 MeLCat Refresher Training for DCB Libraries July 23 RIDES webinar July 24-25 Legal Resources on the Internet July 25 MeL Databases …Read more »


The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) presents: DIGITAL DIRECTIONS Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections July 21-23, 2013 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MAKE CONNECTIONS – GAIN CONFIDENCE – GATHER THE INFORMATION you need to create sustainable digital collections. Take advantage of this opportunity to interact with experts in the field and share experiences …Read more »

Library Management Conference, this March

Today’s workplace is far different than it was just a few years ago. In addition to serving in traditional supervisory roles, library leaders and managers are now expected to be mentors, coaches, planners, futurists, technologists, and cheerleaders. The world has changed, and we can offer new tools to help you adapt. Join us for two …Read more »

Computers in Libraries discount

Attending the Computers in Libraries 2013 conference this April 8–10? Once again, Amigos Library Services has graciously extended its special conference discount to MCLS members. Simply register through Amigos by March 1 and save $250! Click here for complete registration details. This year’s Computers in Libraries conference, hosted by the Hilton Washington in Washingon, DC, …Read more »

Michigan Geek the Library 101

Sign up for the free, live webinar: What’s Geek the Library and How Can I Launch a Local Campaign?, to be held Thursday, Nov. 29 at 2:00 pm ET. Have you heard about the Geek the Library community awareness campaign? Many Michigan libraries have already made impact in their local communities—and had a lot of …Read more »

Finding Your Virtual Reference Users Online

The OCLC Research report Seeking Synchronicity found that one of the biggest obstacles to a successful virtual reference service was getting users to simply know the service existed.  Virtual customer service has become increasingly familiar for commercial business however odds are that most users won’t even know what “Ask a Librarian” means. Many users of …Read more »

Succession Planning a Necessity, Speaker Says

The statistics are sobering: 57 percent of librarians are more than 45 years old, which is 75 percent higher than comparable professions. Almost half of librarians working today could retire in the next five years. In short, librarianship may be facing a severe personnel shortage at all levels in our libraries. Not only that, but …Read more »

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