
November 2014

Past Issues











November 2014date_block_nov_2014_120x139.gif

News | Training | Products & Services | MeL | RIDES


MCLS Annual Meeting highlightsRandy_pointing_cropped_150x210.jpg

Thank you to everyone who attended the MCLS Annual Meeting in Battle Creek. The day included thought-provoking presentations and interesting conversations. See the MCLS Annual Meeting album from our Facebook page for photos from this great event.

An ILF preconference not to be missed

At the 2014 Public Library Association Conference, The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation led a popular series of sessions to help directors learn how to become change agents in their communities. Attendees gained knowledge that will enable them to engage with their communities to enact meaningful and lasting change. MCLS is proud to co-sponsor this preconference for the Indiana community on November 17 from 10 am to 1 pm.

For more information, see the ILF preconference blog post.

Community conversations coming to Indiana

Indiana librarians are invited to attend one of ten community conversations to be held around the state in the month of December.  The purpose of these conversations is to gather information about the needs of the Indiana library community and to explore your hopes, concerns and aspirations. For more information, see the Indiana community conversations blog post.

Welcome new board members

In an overwhelming majority vote, our member representatives voted to elect the proposed slate of new and returning board members. The announcement was made at the MCLS 2014 Annual Meeting on October 3 in Battle Creek.

The elected slate:

With the transition in the position of the State Librarian in Michigan we also welcome Randy Riley with a seat on the board.


Workshops in November

Register today for the following MCLS workshops:

Products & Services

Rittenhouse R2 Digital Library

Order now through January 15 and save 22% on print & R2 Digital Library titles.  Read more >>

EasyBib and ResearchReady Webinars

Help your students evaluate credible websites and prevent plagiarism by subscribing to Imagine EasyBib and ResearchReady. Webinars are scheduled for November 18 at 8:00 am EST and November 19 at 2:00 pm EST. Contact for details.   Read more >>

Mango Languages special offer for MCLS members

10% - 20% discount through December 15

Fall in love with Mango this fall with a limited time offer just for you. Mango has over 70 foreign language and ESL/ELL courses your patrons will adore. Mango keeps language learning fresh – become fluent in language and culture via full-length international movies or check out a few specialty courses, including Spanish for Librarians, Oktoberfest German, and even Pirate! Mango’s free mobile apps allow for self-paced, on-the-go learning, and its awesome library support provides tons of customizable promo material. This special MCLS offer will disappear along with the fall foliage, so be sure to grab a slice of Mango before December 15, 2014.  Read more >>

Reprints Desk, A-Z Document Delivery Collection

A new MCLS member benefit beginning October 1, 2014! A-Z Academic Document Delivery Collection is a service from Reprints Desk that features fast delivery (within minutes!) of scholarly research papers from more than 20,000 publications.  Read more >>

Religious studies offer from De Gruyter

De Gruyter is offering MCLS members a one-time purchase option on three databases: Encylopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Theological Encyclopedia Online, and Images of the Biblical World. Read more >>

MeL logo

MeLCat Advisory Committee will meet

The revitalized MeLCat Advisory Committee will be meeting Wednesday, November 5. The committee members are representatives for all MeLCat users, so share your thoughts with them!

MeL is a service of the Library of Michigan. It is funded by the Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) via the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library of Michigan, part of the Michigan Department of Education. Additional funding is provided by the State of Michigan.

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ROSEY a success

Thanks to all of the RIDES participants that have sent materials to ROSEY!

The ROSEY option enables RIDES participants to discard unwanted materials in a simple, low cost, environmentally sensitive way. Items left over from book sales or weeded from library collections may be packaged and shipped via RIDES to be processed for resale or recycling.  MCLS has contracted with Better World Books since February 2014 as a third-party vendor to process the materials.

Since February, over $2,700 in profits have been generated to subsidize the cost of shipping totes for RIDES participating libraries.