
October 2014

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News | Training | Products & Services | MeL


Jack LessenberryJack Lessenberry to present a broader perspective at "Media Coaching for Librarians"

On November 6 2014 Jack Lessenberry of Michigan Radio will present "What the reporter really wants—print, radio, TV or cyberspace?" His address is part of a day-long program training library staff to interact and optimize relationships with the media.

For more information see our updated blog on this event, and to register, visit the Media Coaching for Librarians page.

An ILF preconference not to be missed

 At the 2014 Public Library Association Conference, The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation led a popular series of sessions to help directors and learn how to become change agents in their communities. Attendees gained knowledge that will enable them to engage with their
communities to enact meaningful and lasting change. MCLS is proud to co-sponsor a preconference for the Indiana community on Nov. 17 from 10 am to 1 pm.

For more information, see the ILF preconference blog post.

Welcome Michelle Bradley

MCLS is delighted to announce that Michelle Bradley, Director of the Frankfort Community Public Library, is our newest team member. She begins on October 1 as the Community Engagement Librarian in Indiana. With experience in public and academic libraries, and on regional and national library boards and committees, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this new position. With her deep roots in Indiana and extensive work with libraries of all types, we expect that Michelle's work will benefit not only our Indiana members but also the entire MCLS membership. Welcome Michelle!


Workshops in October

Register today for the following MCLS workshops:

Products & Services

Mango Languages

Mango Languages has the perfect teaching tools to help your patrons learn a foreign language, or to improve on their speaking and vocabulary skills. Contact MCLS for trial access and a quote!  Read more >>

Great Poets of the World—a brand new video series from Ambrose Digital

Great Poets of The World showcases the lives and works of over 50 of the greatest poets from around the world; this eight part series takes you on a literary journey into the depths of the human soul.  Read more >>

Reprints Desk, A-Z Document Delivery Collection

A new MCLS member benefit beginning October 1, 2014! A-Z Academic Document Delivery Collection is a service from Reprints Desk that features fast delivery (within minutes!) of scholarly research papers from more than 20,000 publications. Read more >>

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MeLCat welcomes four new libraries

New additions to the MeLCat group include North Adams Community Memorial Library, Central Lake District Library, Athens Community Library, and Finlandia University. All four libraries are now live for lending and borrowing.

Upcoming MeLCat workshops

If you have any questions about MeLCat contact

The MeL project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.

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