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Nancy Kirkpatrick, Associate Director at MCLS, announces new position

Nancy Kirkpatrick, Associate Director at MCLS, has announced that she will be the next Executive Director of OhioNET in Columbus, Ohio. She begins her new job on January 3, 2019. “MCLS has been a great experience for me. I value the friends and colleagues that I have come to know during the last four years, …Read more »

Group Purchasing department hosted annual eResources meeting

On Thursday, September 20, we hosted our annual eResources meeting at the MCLS offices in Lansing, Michigan. Also known as the eJournal meeting, this year’s gathering included 31 librarians from 26 member academic and hospital libraries. While this meeting is traditionally attended by our academic members, we want to make clear that all library types …Read more »

Say goodbye to MCLS Executive Director Randy Dykhuis before he retires at the end of December

After over 23 years of service to the Michigan Library Consortium and Midwest Collaborative for Library Services as their Executive Director, Randy Dykhuis will be retiring at the end of December. We are going to miss Randy and we know you will, too. Make sure to say goodbye to him at one of the following …Read more »

MCLS hosting Harwood Public Innovators Lab in Indiana in 2019

MCLS is sponsoring a Harwood Public Innovators Lab in Indianapolis, IN March 5-7, 2019. The Lab will be held at Indiana Wesleyan University – Indianapolis North campus. MCLS will fully fund tuition for the training, as well as lodging and some meals during the training, for up to 50 staff from Indiana libraries. Participation in …Read more »

Notes from the Executive Director – October 2018

Often historical events, when viewed in the rear-view mirror, seem like they had to happen the way they did. The chain of cause and effect seems to have been predetermined. Most of the time, when lived through, it’s not nearly so tidy. So it was with the Dutch Republic at the turn of the 17th …Read more »

Community Engagement Summit gathered, energized, and inspired

The culmination of the Michigan Libraries Engage project, a partnership of MCLS and the Library of Michigan (with some federal funding from the Institute of Museum & Library Services) was a Community Engagement Summit, held on September 27, 2018, in East Lansing, Michigan. The Summit brought together many of the 150 members of the cohorts …Read more »

2018 Membership Ballot: Slate of Nominees

The MCLS Board of Directors has accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five seats whose terms expire at the end of December 2018. Electronic voting to approve the slate of candidates begins on September 17. All Member Representatives should receive an email on September 17 with voting instructions. Votes will be …Read more »

Notes from the Executive Director – September 2018

It could have been any hot-button issue: Immigration reform. Police violence. Gun control. The topic this time was climate change. Online commenters to Montana’s Bozeman Daily Chronicle online chat room were slugging it out in a flame war. But in this case, the commenters hammering away weren’t unknown to each other; they were neighbors with …Read more »

Linked Data for Libraries Users Group

As a result of a successful Linked Data Summit held in March 2017, MCLS facilitated the formation of a multi-state Linked Data for Libraries Users Group. The purpose of the group is for staff of libraries to discuss the latest developments in Linked Data and the implications for libraries, share experiences, explore new products, and …Read more »

Notes from the Executive Director – August 2018

In August 2011, libraries on the Atlantic coast of the United States were thrashed by Hurricane Irene. Barely a year later, Hurricane Sandy struck. Both storms caused damage to library buildings, equipment, and collections. One New Jersey library was damaged by Irene and Sandy, and after being forced to rebuild for a second time, closed …Read more »

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