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New vendor spotlight: Meescan self-checkout solutions

MCLS is pleased to announce our new vendor partner, Meescan, a self-checkout solution with kiosks and a smartphone app that’s simple for libraries to install and effortless for patrons to use. It allows librarians to get on with what they do best: organizing the library’s database, reaching out to the local community, helping people track …Read more »

What’s new in training?

There are many exciting training opportunities coming up in the next few months – both brand-new workshops and returning workshops taught by new instructors. Check out the following:  Cataloging Graphic Novels and Formats (previously entitled Graphic Detail: Cataloging Graphic Formats) is Oct. 2, 10am-noon Eastern (9-11 a.m. Central), and Cataloging Children’s Materials (previously entitled Child’s …Read more »

Join the DOAJ Community Webinar on Oct. 10

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a unique, growing index of about 21,000 diverse open access journals whose services and metadata are embedded in libraries across the world. On Thursday, Oct. 10, 2-3 p.m. Eastern (1-2 p.m. Central), MCLS will host an informational webinar on DOAJ.   Attendees will learn the basics of DOAJ …Read more »

A note from Stephanie Davis upon retirement

It’s time for me to say goodbye. When my retirement was announced in early 2024, it seemed far, far away and the idea of crafting a goodbye message promptly went to the backburner, but now that time has come. Choosing librarianship as a career has been one of my best life decisions and I am …Read more »

Public library advertising packages are available from Nexstar Digital

MCLS is partnering with Nexstar Digital, a leading diversified media company that produces and distributes engaging local and national news, sports, and entertainment content across television and digital platforms. Nexstar owns the largest local broadcasting group in America comprising of top network affiliates with 200 owned or partner stations in 116 U.S. markets that reach …Read more »

Get to know our new staff, Sarah Beaubien and Michael Troup!

On Sept. 3, MCLS staff welcomed Sarah Beaubien and Michael Troup. While our staff has enjoyed getting to know them over the past month, we wanted to help you get to know them, too. Both were excellent sports about answering questions about what makes them tick.   Q & A with eLicensing and Collection Resources Manager, …Read more »

ConsortiaManager Corner – October 2024

MCLS eLicensing and Collections Resources (eLCR) staff members continue to work on uploading license terms in ConsortiaManager (CM). Previously, license terms were accessed through the MCLS website on each vendor page. As we prepare to move to a new website, we are moving them to CM.   To assist you in locating and understanding terminology used …Read more »

Rock’s Backpages is your library’s source for music journalism

MCLS is pleased to announce its new vendor partnership with Rock’s Backpages. The world’s biggest archive of music journalism and pop writing of the last 60 years, Rock’s Backpages possess a unique space in the world of eResources, offering users access to an archive of content about music and popular culture. It contains a library …Read more »

Indiana and Michigan libraries select MCLS to provide consulting services

We are pleased to announce that Dowagiac District Library (MI), Pendleton Community Public Library (IN), and New Carlisle-Olive Township Public Library (IN) have all booked dates for Midwest Collaborative for Library Services to provide staff development days on various topics this fall, winter, and spring. In addition, Capital Area District Library (CADL) in Michigan has …Read more »

New Vendor Spotlight – Special library marketing offer from Nexstar Digital

Public libraries have always been a centerpiece of our communities. With the evolution of technology and media consumption habits, libraries have adapted to these trends by offering a wide variety of products and community events. However, with these innovations comes a gap in community awareness of new services. To empower libaries to fill this gap, …Read more »

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