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An ILF preconference not to be missed

At the 2014 Public Library Association Conference, The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation led a popular series of sessions to help directors learn how to become change agents in their communities. Attendees gained knowledge that will enable them to engage with their communities to enact meaningful and lasting change. MCLS is proud to co-sponsor a …Read more »

Media coaching for librarians program to include hands-on training

On November 6, 2014, the Cooperative Directors Association, the Library of Michigan, and the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services MCLS will co-host a program instructing and preparing librarians on interacting with the media. Head of the journalism faculty at Wayne State University and Michigan Radio’s senior political analyst Jack Lessenberry will present. For the low …Read more »

Learn how Michigan and Indiana librarians are engaging and transforming their communities

Please join us for the MCLS Annual Meeting on October 3, 2014 at the McCamly Plaza in Battle Creek, Michigan. Our keynote will be from Maureen Sullivan, former ALA president, presenting on how libraries can engage and transform their community. Following Maureen a panel of regional library leaders will respond to and share how they …Read more »

Welcome Michelle Bradley

MCLS is delighted to announce that Michelle Bradley, Director of the Frankfort Community Public Library, is our newest team member. She will begin on October 1 as the Community Engagement Librarian in Indiana. With experience in public and academic libraries, and on regional and national library boards and committees, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledge …Read more »

October Training at MCLS

Register today for the following training opportunities with MCLS in October. MCLS Annual Meeting, October 3 (at the McCamly Plaza, Battle Creek, Michigan) *Deadline to register this Friday Reference Triage for Paraprofessionals, October 6 (online) *Deadline to register this Friday MeLCat Cataloging Workshop, October 7-9 (online) MARC: An Introduction, October 7-9 (online) The MeLCat Overdue …Read more »

Help set the MCLS 2014 Annual Meeting unconference agenda!

The afternoon session of the MCLS 2014 annual meeting, on October 3 in Battle Creek, will be an unconference with topics chosen by you, the membership. The overarching theme will be on the future of Midwest regional libraries and how they can engage and transform their communities. Please submit your idea for a topic at …Read more »

Last chance to register for community conversations

We have some last minute openings available in our round of Michigan library community conversations – register today! We need input from libraries of all types, sizes and geographic areas to make this effort an authentic representation of Michigan libraries. Please consider joining us and sharing your thoughts, challenges and hopes for the greater Michigan …Read more »

Slate of Nominees for MCLS Board Elections in 2014

The MCLS Board of Directors has accepted the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of candidates for the five seats whose terms expire at the end of December 2014. Electronic voting to approve the slate of candidates begins on September 15. All Member Representatives should receive an email on September 15 with voting instructions. Votes will be …Read more »

Register today to attend the MCLS Annual Meeting

Hear from colleagues leading transformation and actively participate during our first unconference. Our keynote speaker will be former ALA President Maureen Sullivan. Maureen will be addressing how libraries can engage and transform their community, whether that be their town, county, institution or campus. Following the keynote, a panel of library leaders will respond and present …Read more »

Scheduled system outage: September 3

The ISP for MCLS will be performing system maintenance Wednesday, September 3 from 12:01 AM to 5:00 AM. Please distribute this information to any libraries or staff potentially affected by this downtime. The following areas will be affected: MCLS staff email MCLS phones Main website with lists of links to databases (The …Read more »

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