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More on the New Dues Structure

Mea culpa. Yes, I made a mistake during my update at last week’s annual membership meeting. During my recitation of the past year’s events and actions, I should have prominently featured the change in our membership structure and dues that will be effective July 2011. I’ve heard from some of you that you felt blindsided …Read more »

Job Posting: Member Services Representative

This position has been filled.

October Issue of MCLS News Available Online

The October issue of MCLS News is now available online.  See the October issue for updates on the annual membership meeting, the newly-elected MCLS Board, upcoming workshops, member services offerings, Michigan Evergreen, RIDES, and more. For back issues of MCLS News, see our MCLS News web page.

MCLS Announces New Dues Structure

Beginning July 1, 2011, MCLS is implementing a new uniform dues structure that will cover member libraries in Indiana and Michigan. After the merger in February, 2010, Indiana libraries were assessed dues based on INCOLSA’s former dues structure and Michigan libraries were assessed on MLC’s former dues structure. These dues covered memberships running through June …Read more »

MCLS Annual Membership Meeting Held on Oct. 1.

On October 1, 2010, MCLS held its first annual membership meeting as a newly-merged organization.  88 Member Representatives attended by conference phone, 28 attended in person at the Indianapolis office, and 16 attended in person at the Lansing office. There were two agenda issues requiring a membership vote, both of which were approved by the …Read more »

Michigan’s statewide delivery has a new name: RIDES!

MCLS is pleased to announce the new name of Michigan’s statewide delivery service! MeL Delivery will now be known as RIDES – Regional Interlibrary DElivery Service.  This change provides a better identification of the services provided. Delivery service will continue to operate as before, and contacts will remain unchanged.  See the MCLS RIDES web page …Read more »

Oct 28 Deadline for RDA Toolkit Group Purchase

The Missouri Library Network Corporation (MLNC) is extending its consortium discount to MCLS member libraries in Indiana and Michigan.  Member libraries wishing to take advantage of this offer must complete and return the order form to Missouri Library Network Corporation no later than October 28, 2010. RDA will be replacing AACR2 cataloging rules and “is …Read more »

2010 Annual Meeting

The agenda has been set for the 2010 Annual Meeting. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and members may participate via conference call.  Pre-registration is required, and pre-registered Member Representatives will receive call-in information via email.  Note: members may opt instead to attend in person at either the MCLS Indianapolis office, 6202 Morenci Trail, …Read more »

MCLS Unveils New MeL Databases Training Program

On July 12, 2010, MCLS received approval to replace the MeL Databases workshop program with a new training model.  The new model, which is being phased in this fall with full implementation starting in January 2011, includes three components: 1. Instructor-led online training. 2. PowerPoint presentations for use at in-services and similar group meetings. 3. …Read more »

Relais resource-sharing products now available to MCLS member libraries

MCLS is pleased to announce that we are now offering Relais International’s suite of resource-sharing services to our membership. Relais International’s products and services provide systems and software solutions to automate and streamline libraries’ interlibrary loan and document delivery services.  The suite of services includes Relais ILL, Relais D2D, and Relais Express. For detailed information …Read more »

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