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MLC and INCOLSA Staff Prepare for February 15 Start Date

Representatives from MLC and INCOLSA staffs met in Lansing on January 11-12 to discuss implementation of the combined staff of MCLS starting February 15. Our new MCLS website will debut on February 15th, and the first meeting of the MCLS Board will be held on February 22 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Watch the MLC-INCOLSA merger …Read more »

Thank you

Last week was a historic one for MLC. On Tuesday, the membership voted 68-1 to combine with INCOLSA, and the following day the INCOLSA membership approved the same resolution 153-29. We are grateful for the overwhelmingly positive votes and are eager to begin working together as the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services. MCLS will officially …Read more »

INCOLSA Approves Merger with MLC

Announcement from INCOLSA, December 17, 2009: INCOLSA board members approved the resolution to combine with the Michigan Library Consortium at a special meeting today in Indianapolis. MLC members approved the same resolution at a meeting yesterday. INCOLSA’s board also authorized the Executive Committee to finalize the Memorandum of Understanding with MLC and to ensure that …Read more »

MLC Membership Approves Combining MLC with INCOLSA

At a special meeting held on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, the MLC membership approved a resolution to accept a transfer of INCOLSA assets and liabilities, combining MLC with INCOLSA. The next step in the process will be INCOLSA’s membership vote on Thursday, December 17, 2009.  If INCOLSA’s membership approves the resolution, details regarding the transfer …Read more »

Michigan librarian, Carolyn Wheeler, wins NYT award

Carolyn Wheeler, Media Specialist at Conant Elementary School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, is a recipient of the national 2009 I Love My Librarian Award, sponsored by the New York Times and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.  Congratulations, Carolyn! Her nomination praised her stellar work with students, as follows: “This wonderful teacher and leader not …Read more »

Kirtland Community College to Migrate to Evergreen

Kirtland Community College Library will migrate to Evergreen in January 2010, making them the first academic library in Michigan to adopt Evergreen.  MLC is pleased to welcome Kirtland to the Evergreen family! Kirtland is working with Equinox Software, Inc., to install and implement Evergreen on the library’s local servers.  Michigan Evergreen staff Evette Atkin and …Read more »

Merger FAQs

For your convenience, we have created a page our website about the merger with INCOLSA. We have posted some frequently asked questions, a timeline, and links to previous articles.

MLC/INCOSLA merger update

As merger discussions continue between MLC and INCOLSA, we expect to convene a membership meeting to approve the merger before the end of the year. The merger design team has been meeting regularly since July and expects to complete its work by November 12, when a Memoradum of Understanding (MOU) will be crafted. The MOU …Read more »

Schedule of Michigan Evergreen demos at MLA

MLC staff Evette Atkin, Megan Dudek, and Ruth Dukelow will demonstrate Michigan Evergreen functionality at the MLA Conference in Lansing on November 4-5.  Please stop by MLC’s booth #201-203 to see Michigan Evergreen in action! Wednesday, November 4, 2009 12:30-12:45pm Michigan Evergreen OPAC 1:30-1:45pm Michigan Evergreen Circulation 2:30-2:45pm Michigan Evergreen Cataloging 3:30-3:45pm Michigan Evergreen Admin …Read more »

Evergreen Demos Nov 4-5 at MLA Conference

Curious about Evergreen? Michigan Evergreen staff will be demonstrating the Evergreen open-source ILS software at the Michigan Library Association conference in Lansing on November 4-5 in the MLC booth (#201-203).  If you’re attending the MLA conference, please stop by and check it out! It was at the 2007 MLA Conference that MLC launched the Michigan …Read more »

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