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Today MLC and INCOLSA jointly issued this press release: Lansing, MI – August 12, 2009 – Building on the collaborative relationship of the past year, the Michigan Library Consortium (MLC) and INCOLSA, Inc., announced that they have entered into a formal investigation to merge the two organizations. A merger design team consisting of MLC Executive …Read more »

Honors for Capital Area District Library

Congratulations to Capital Area District Library staff for receiving an Honorary Mention in OverDrive’s recent outreach program contest. CADL’s ambitious Literature & Lyrics promotion employed a mix of media from in-library signage, to Facebook and MySpace pages, to ads on local TV stations, all directing the public to CADL’s downloadable media page. There, users could …Read more »

Richard Chapin, 1925 – 2009

Michigan lost one of the giants of our profession when Dick Chapin passed away on July 30. Dick was director of the MSU library for nearly 30 years and moved it into the top tier of research libraries in the country. But not only was he a top-notch academic library director, Dick was a visionary …Read more »

Aug. 5 Rally "Hands Around the Library"

The following message is distributed on behalf of the Michigan Genealogical Council. Please feel free to share. Fellow Michigan genealogists and library supporters – Now is the time for Michiganians to come to the aid of our state’s history and learning. Your Michigan Genealogical Council is planning a public assembly in Lansing to show our …Read more »


MLC and INCOLSA have engaged a merger consultant, FIO Partners, to work with the boards and staffs to determine whether it is in the best interests of each organization to merge operations. Our first meeting with Jane Arsenault, the lead consultant for FIO Partners, is scheduled for July 29. We expect to have more information …Read more »

OCLC Changes

As OCLC and the Michigan Library Consortium (MLC) continue to work in partnership on behalf of OCLC member libraries, we would like to inform you about some important changes with regard to how your library will now access support for OCLC products and services. Please be sure to share this news with staff members in …Read more »

Internet Librarian Discounts Available

Missouri Library Network Corporation (MLNC) in cooperation with Information Today, Inc. is happy to offer reduced rates to the Internet Librarian 2009 Conference.  If you register for CIL 2009 through MLNC, you’ll receive the special rate of $279 for the full 3-day conference.  Discounts are also available for the Internet@Schools conference and a combination of …Read more »

MLC Position Posting for Michigan Evergreen Training/Support Librarian

Michigan Evergreen Training and Support Librarian The Michigan Library Consortium (MLC) is looking for a tech-savvy, problem-solving, adventurous librarian to join our Michigan Evergreen team. Michigan Evergreen is an open-source shared ILS project, with ten libraries in the shared system and more to be added in 2009-2010. This position is responsible for training and support …Read more »

Friends of Michigan Libraries has a new website

Check out the new website for the Friends of Michigan Libraries.  They’ve got a great new design!

Preservation Vendors

MLC’s Preservation Conference on June 4-5, 2009, will feature a number of vendors who have experience working with libraries on physical preservation projects. National Archives Publishing Company Preservation Technologies The HF Group Gaylord BMSCat Belfor Property Restoration There is still time to register for this two-day conference.  See MLC’s Preservation Conference Registration page for details …Read more »

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