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Copyright Report released

The Section 108 Study Group Report has been released and is now available online in PDF. Section 108 of the U.S. copyright law provides limited exceptions to allow copying from materials in libraries and archives. The Study Group’s mission was: “to conduct a reexamination of the exceptions and limitations applicable to libraries and archives under …Read more »

Porn, Policies and Public Relations

The Michigan Library Association (MLA) Intellectual Freedom Committee and the MLA Marketing and PR Roundtable are offering a Spring workshop, “Porn, Policies and Public Relations,” in two locations: Friday, April 11, 2008, Farmington Community Library Friday, April 18, 2008, University Center, Gaylord Click on the links above for descriptions. To register, see MLA’s Registration web …Read more »

Library Camp photos

Pics from Library Camp at Ann Arbor District Library have been added to MLC’s Flickr account. You can click here to see the new set.

Copyright article in T.H.E. Journal

Two of us from Michigan – Evelyn Freeman of Oakland Schools and I – were interviewed for an article in current issue of T.H.E. Journal, “Do the (Copy)right thing.” As many of you know, Evelyn has been very active in bringing copyright information to school librarians, especially through her training sessions at annual MAME conferences. …Read more »

LJ Honors Three Michigan Librarians

There are three Michigan librarians on the 2008 Library Journal Movers & Shakers list! Evette Atkin from Michigan Library Consortium “Multitalented” Steven Bowers from DALNET “Expanding OPACs” Marcia Mardis from Wayne State University “Push Technology” Congratulations all!

EBSCO launches new interface for NoveList

NoveList is a popular readers’ advisory database for children through adults. In mid-March, a new interface was launched to make it even easier for users to find information about favorite books, authors, award winners, and recommended “good reads.” The Home page has a monthly Spotlight in the center of the screen. The right column offers …Read more »

Free Press features MLC in Second Life article

See today’s Detroit Free Press (March 4, 2008) for the article, “Michiganders make a living, meet and study in ‘Second Life’,” featuring MLC’s Evette Atkin and MLC’s Second Life building. [Photo by Dave Trumpie of Trumpie Photography, Lansing.]

Rave reviews for MeL Databases Training!

These are just a few comments from recent classes taught by the MeL Databases trainers: It was great! Great chance to be exposed to these resources, opens up a lot of possibilities. Lots of tips regarding how to do specific things! WOW – so useful! Great presentation, easy to follow, allows for self-education. Great overview …Read more »

Photos of MeL Users Day

Photos of the 2008 MeL Users Day at the Lansing Center have been posted to MLC’s Flickr account. Click here to view the new set.

Resource Sharing Innovation Awards

Please see the following Awards announcement, posted on behalf of the Rethinking Resource Sharing Innovation Awards Committee: The Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative was started to advocate for a complete rethink of the way libraries conduct resource sharing in the context of the global internet revolution. In order to showcase resource sharing innovation, the Rethinking Resource …Read more »

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