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Photos from Licensing Electronic Resources Workshop

There’s a new set of photos from today’s workshop–Licensing Electronic Resources: An Introduction–led by our Associate Director Ruth Dukelow. Click here to view the photos.

“EnvisionMichigan” story competition offers $30,000 in prizes

The following is from a press release from The Center for Michigan. See especially #3 below for contest details to share with your staff and library patrons. October 11, 2007 (Lansing, Mich.) – More than 1,000 of community leaders and citizens are meeting in more than 80 locations this fall to move Michigan past bitter, …Read more »

Annual Meeting photos

Photos from MLC’s Annual Meeting have been posted to our account on Flickr. Click here to view them.


The Michigan Health Sciences Library Association (MHSLA) has a blog at: Posts include recent information on Biomed Search, changes to health care, and other information for medical libraries.

Photos from Electronic Resources Mgt Program posted

Photos from the September 21 program led by Deberah England have been posted to MLC’s Flickr account. See the new set here.

MLC's annual meeting

Last Friday, 85 folks from MLC member libraries and staff gathered at Lansing Community College’s West Campus to hear about community-building activities in libraries. Chrystie Hill got the day off with an enthusiastic talk about the work libraries are doing to build a greater sense of community. Her thesis is that libraries are not just …Read more »

MHSLA Conference

MHSLA, the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association is having their annual conference in Bay City at the Doubletree Hotel, from September 26-28. I had the pleasure of working at the MLC table on Thursday. And enjoyed meeting with many of our MLC members. Well, while enjoying my wonderful taco bar lunch we were treated to …Read more »

MMM Photo Featured in Michigan in Pictures Blog

Yesterday, the Michigan in Pictures blog featured a Flint photo from The Making of Modern Michigan collection. It is wonderful to see that folks are using the MMM collection. Yay! The featured photo is from Kettering University Library’s Scharchburg Archive. If you haven’t visited the Michigan in Pictures blog yet, you are in for a …Read more »

Bloomfield case denied

The Michigan Supreme Court has denied Bloomfield Hills attorney George Goldstone’s request for a rehearing of his case against the Bloomfield Township Public Library. See the Michigan Supreme Court News page.

Ruth Dukelow, Copyright Scholar

We are happy and proud to announce that Ruth has been selected to be an ALA Copyright Scholar. The ALA Office for Information Technology Policy has chosen the Copyright Scholars for this year, and Ruth is one of eight new scholars. For the next two years, Ruth will devote a portion of her time to …Read more »

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