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Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – May 2023

Dr. Emily Knox (whose books include Book Banning In 21st Century America and Foundations of Intellectual Freedom) led a Feb. 8 workshop at Western Michigan University (WMU) that was a great opportunity for academic, public, and school library professionals to connect with library and information theory and practice, and one another. Dr. Knox’s workshop built …Read more »

Welcome our new MeL Support Specialist Sarah Zawacki

Sarah’s first day with MCLS was April 3. She spent the last ten years at Ypsilanti District Library in Michigan where she did work in acquisitions, catalog maintenance, and MeLCat. Sarah previously worked at Plymouth District Library and Milan Public Library. In her role as MeL Support Specialist at MCLS, Sarah is a member of …Read more »

Indiana and Michigan libraries select MCLS to provide consulting services

We are pleased to announce that Butler University Libraries in Indianapolis, IN has selected Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) to provide consulting services for strategic planning this spring. Our Engagement, Consulting, & Training staff will also be facilitating professional development days for the staff of Manistee County Library (MI), David L. Rice Library at University of Southern Indiana (IN), and …Read more »