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Current TALK libraries: set up your subscription by Dec. 1 to continue service in 2024

MCLS is steadily working on TALK’s transition from a fully IMLS grant-funded program to an MCLS subscription-based service. To facilitate setting up your account in our system, we need to know if you are planning to offer TALK to your patrons after the grant ends in July 2024. IMLS grant funds will cover the TALK …Read more »

Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – October 2023

MCLS joined the Project ReShare community in 2019, and as of September 2023, MCLS and Project ReShare have decided it is in the best interests of both entities to part ways. MCLS is the single largest financial contributor to date to Project ReShare’s effort to create new resource sharing software that is currently in use …Read more »

Register now for the last Virtual Dialogue of 2023

The final Virtual Dialogue of 2023 will be on Wednesday, November 8, from 10:30 a.m. to noon Eastern (9:30-11 a.m. Central). Join us on Zoom as we continue discussing components of cultivating a growth mindset – this time focusing on choosing your mindset in building a trusting and collaborative environment. MCLS Virtual Dialogues are guided …Read more »

Michigan libraries select MCLS to provide staff day training

Michigan libraries select MCLS to provide staff day trainings We are excited that Gladwin County District Library in Gladwin, MI and the Lansing Community College Library in Lansing, MI have both selected MCLS to provide staff day trainings this month. MCLS can serve you, too! Our Engagement, Consulting, and Training team would love to come to your library and guide …Read more »