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Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – Dec. 2023/Jan. 2024

As we turn the calendar page from 2023 to 2024, I’ll focus on some of the changes happening at MCLS.  First, I thank the following MCLS Board of Directors members whose service ended in 2023:  Annie Bélanger, Grand Valley State University (Michigan Academic Library Representative)  Lisa Brakel, Airport Community Schools (Michigan School Library Representative)  Lauren …Read more »

Calling staff of small and rural libraries – come connect in a Virtual Dialogue!

We’re doing something new with our Virtual Dialogue series for 2024! We’ll be bringing together specific groups of library staff from across our two-state region to give space and time for those with similar challenges and opportunities to meet for dialogue on topics of interest to them. Our first Virtual Dialogue of 2024 will be …Read more »

MCLS is implementing the FTE feature in ConsortiaManager for more accurate vendor pricing

Check your email on Dec. 4 for instructions on implementing FTE in your ConsortiaManager profile. This feature allows you to input your library’s user count information, which is used by vendors to determine subscription pricing. Different library types use different user counts; academics use full-time equivalent (FTE), medical libraries use bed count, public libraries use population served, …Read more »