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Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – March 2024

MCLS’s Strategic Plan Listening Tour began in late February and continues into early March so we can get your input as we plan for the future. If you’re not able to attend a listening tour session (below), we hope you’ll give us up to 30 minutes of your time for a one-on-one interview with an …Read more »

Vendor and Product Lightning Rounds provide bite-sized presentations on MCLS products

What is a Lightning Round? It is a quick and easy way for members to learn about eResource products available through MCLS. Attendees hear from five vendors who are allotted 15 minutes each to present the best of their products plus updates and information. In 2024 MCLS will host four Lightning Round vendor events on …Read more »

Miranda Crittenden joins MCLS accounting department

Please join MCLS in welcoming Miranda Crittenden as our new Accounting Clerk. She joined MCLS at the end of Oct. 2023 as a temp and officially became a permanent staff member on Jan. 24, 2024. Miranda handles accounts receivables, so you may work with her if you have questions about payments and invoices. We asked …Read more »

Join the Agreements Group at our March meeting

Interested in contributing to the MCLS license agreement process? Consider joining the MCLS Agreements Group, which is dedicated to making sure the license agreements we develop with vendors align with the needs and interests of member libraries. From AI provisions to accessibility statements, there is a lot happening in the license agreement world and your …Read more »

The US Department of Labor’s O*NET Data Collection Program needs volunteers

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a program of the US Department of Labor, is the primary source of occupational information used by job seekers, employers, workforce agencies, and others who use such information in their daily activities. Previously compiled in the print reference book, The Occupational Outlook Handbook, this information is now made available exclusively …Read more »

Indiana libraries select MCLS to provide consulting services

We are pleased to announce that three Indiana libraries have selected Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) to work with them on projects this spring. We will be facilitating a strategic planning process for St. Joe County Public Library in South Bend, IN and offering staff professional development days for the David L. Rice Library at University of …Read more »