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Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – June 2024

Continuing from my May MCLS newsletter piece on artificial intelligence (AI), this month I’ll recap Western Michigan University (WMU) Libraries Associate Dean Mary O’Kelly’s excellent presentation on using AI tools for research and writing at the recent Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA) conference. Many facets of AI and how various industries are using AI tools …Read more »

Call for nominations to serve on the MCLS Board of Directors 

The MCLS Board of Directors Nominating Committee seeks nominations from the MCLS membership for the following Board openings for 2025-2027: At-Large Library Representative (Indiana)  School Library Representative (Indiana)  Research Library (Indiana)   Each seat has a three-year term, beginning Jan. 1, 2025, and expiring Dec. 31, 2027. The Board meets four times per year, in February …Read more »

We are offering NO COST* TALK texts to NEW subscribing libraries nationwide through July 10, 2024!

IMLS TALK grant funds will cover the cost of text messages for new subscribing libraries anywhere in the U.S. To receive this offer, your library must subscribe to TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten, a service of MCLS, no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.  Grant-funded texts are distributed in blocks of 5,000 messages. …Read more »

Academic library staff invited to July Virtual Dialogue

Join the MCLS Engagement, Consulting, and Training team for a Virtual Dialogue for academic library staff on Wednesday, July 17 from 10:30 a.m.-noon Eastern (9:30-11 a.m. Central). We invite those working in academic libraries – at all levels and in all positions – to come together to talk and share your strategies, insights, and experiences …Read more »

Register today for the June 13 MCLS Agreements Group meeting

The next meeting of the MCLS Agreements Group will be on Thursday, June 13, 2-3 p.m. Eastern (1-2 p.m. Central). Participants will review and discuss the MCLS generic license agreement. Open to all library types, the Agreements Group exists to help MCLS identify license agreement components of interest and concern to MCLS members. Interested librarians are …Read more »

MCLS-brokered deal with OverDrive welcomes Indiana academic libraries to OMiA

Overdrive for Michigan Academics (OMiA) was born in 2021 when a group of four Michigan academic libraries decided to make a shared collection of eBooks and Audio books a reality. Today, OMiA consists of 10 libraries: 7 community colleges, 2 universities, and one private institution. As a collaborative endeavor, the key to OMiA’s success is the …Read more »