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Notes from Executive Director Scott Garrison – Sept. 2024

MCLS began work on a strategic plan last year, and I’m pleased to share the basics of our emerging 2025-2028 plan this month. Our strategic plan is a flexible, living document we can adapt as rapid change for libraries and their users continues. We used a strengths-based process to create our plan based on input …Read more »

MCLS welcomes new staff on Sept. 3

September 2024 begins a new chapter for the MCLS eLicensing and Collection Resources (eLCR) team with Sarah Beaubien taking the helm as the eLCR Manager. Her extensive library expertise encompasses management, budget oversight, collections, scholarly communication, instruction, user services, library facilities, and pandemic planning. Stephanie Davis will continue in her role as Associate Director at MCLS until …Read more »

TALK conference appearances and toolkit updates

With the end of the IMLS grant on July 31 marking TALK a service of MCLS, we are working diligently to both promote the TALK: Text and Learn for Kindergarten service nationally and ensure subscribing libraries have all the tools needed to bring TALK to their communities. Our first conference stop this fall is ARSL in Springfield, MA. Stop …Read more »

New Essential Workplace Skills self-paced tutorial open for registration

A new Essential Workplace Skills self-paced tutorial is now open and ready for registration! This tutorial, Introduction to Writing Skills for Librarians taught by MCLS Library Strategist Jenny Kobiela-Mondor, includes writing skills relevant for all library staff. Course Description: Effective and appropriate written communication is important for much of the work we do in libraries, …Read more »