RIDES Policies
RIDES Procedures
RIDES participants have two options for shipping - Pack or No Pack. Any library that would like to participate as a No Pack library must notify MCLS via the RIDES Assistance form.
RIDES will not accept responsibility for damage, liability, nor will they reimburse, for items shipped through delivery without packaging.
Libraries that participate as No Pack accept full financial responsibility for their own books and may not invoice borrowing libraries or RIDES for lost or damaged books sent without packaging.
Basic Procedure
- Use only bubble wrap envelopes or small cardboard boxes for packaging.
- Use the appropriate size.
- DO NOT use recycled boxes that contained food.
- Remove old labels from packaging.
- Mark through information and bar codes with a black marker on stubborn labels.
- Use moderation when sealing packages with tape.
- Do not use staples.
- Remove staples from old or recycled packaging.
- All RIDES shipping labels must be created using the current RIDES label maker.
- Do not print too many shipping labels in advance, information changes often.
- No Pack prints on the RIDES shipping label when appropriate
- Multiple items sent to the same library on the same day may ship together in a padded envelope or small box that fits inside a shipping tote, filling less than half a small RIDES tote.
- Do not stockpile or save items to ship another day to fill an envelope or box.
- Small tote: 22"x15"x10"
- If a box fills more than half of a RIDES small tote, use a dedicated tote.
- Seal the RIDES tote lid with shipping tape or a plastic zip tie and attach a 'Dedicated' label to the top of the tote.
Lending Library Procedure
- Mark all loaned items with ownership information.
- Include MeL Agency Code (z code) on the MeLCat identifying label or book band attached to the item.
- Library systems with branches on the RIDES label maker should clearly indicate where to return the item.
- Pack lenders ship ALL items packed.
- No Pack lenders ship only BOOKS unpacked.
Borrowing Library Procedure
- Do not use ANY kind of tape or sticky labels directly on borrowed items regardless if the lending library is No Pack.
- Pack ALL items returned to a Pack library.
- Do not pack BOOKS returned to a No Pack library.
- Pack all other items returned to a No Pack library.
- Items shipped in a special container or wrap must, upon request, be returned to the Lending library in the same material.
Item Type Packaging Instructions
- Pack Lender
- Pack book in a bubble wrap envelope or small cardboard box.
- Seal the envelope or box with shipping tape.
- Secure the RIDES shipping label to the top of the envelope or box.
- No Pack Lender
- Secure the RIDES shipping label to the book. Options include:
- Tape the RIDES shipping label to the MeLCat identifying label or to the book band.
- Choose the 2 per page option on the RIDES label maker. Fold the paper shipping label around the cover of the book with the full address showing, then secure it with multiple rubber bands.
- Attach the label to a piece of scrap paper folded around the cover of the book with the full address showing, then secure it with multiple rubber bands.
- A maximum of 2 books may be rubber banded together.
- Use multiple heavyweight rubber bands to secure the book.
- Use rubber bands that are large enough, do not allow book to curl or bend.
A/V and non-book materials
- Securely pack ALL A/V and non-book materials.
- Pack in an appropriately sized cardboard box, or double wrap in bubble wrap envelopes.
- Cardboard boxes are recommended.
- Pack Microfiche in a small envelope and then a larger bubble wrap envelope.
- Seal the box or envelope with shipping tape.
- Secure the RIDES shipping label to the top of the box or envelope.
Shipping and supplies
- RIDES will provide shipping totes.
- Large: 27"x17"x12.5" = holds 2.3 Cu Ft
- Small: 22"x15"x10" = holds 1.4 Cu Ft
- Mini: 13.8"x8.9"x8.8" = holds 0.6 Cu Ft (for use in selected hubs only)
- Weight Limits: totes should not exceed 40 lbs. No Pack libraries should be mindful of this.
- Use the green plastic RIDES totes ONLY for DIRECT pickup and delivery from RIDES couriers. Do NOT use the totes for deliveries to sub-libraries or branch libraries.
- Ship all items except for oversize material inside a green RIDES tote.
- The tote lid should close flat to allow for stacking.
- Boxes must not fill more than half of a small RIDES tote.
- Libraries needing totes, or with extra totes, should notify RIDES via the RIDES Assistance form.
- Each library will be responsible for printing RIDES shipping labels from the current RIDES label maker as needed.
- Each library will be responsible for providing bubble wrap envelopes or small cardboard boxes for packaging.
- Cover or mark out old labeling on recycled bubble wrap envelopes and small cardboard boxes.
Delivery site responsibilities
RIDES Incoming sign 
RIDES Outgoing sign 
- Report all issues or problems immediately via the RIDES Assistance form.
- Prepare shipments in advance of the courier arrival.
- Verify all RIDES shipping labels are for the correct delivery site.
- Return items received in error to the Lending library via RIDES. If necessary, print a new RIDES shipping label with the correct information. If in doubt of where to ship the item, send it via RIDES to ZY001 Midwest Coll for Lib Services - attention Tara.
- Collect and provide usage information upon request.
- Report closings of less than 30 days via the RIDES Assistance form.
- Report extended closings of more than 30 days via the RIDES Assistance form at least 2 weeks prior to closing, except in emergency cases.
- Libraries may purchase additional insurance directly from the courier for items valued above the RIDES maximum replacement value of $100.
- Libraries using OCLC should add their MeL agency code to the OCLC Constant Data Record field entitled "Ship Via": Shipped Via MeLCat zz001.
Infestation detection and solutions
Non-compliance disciplinary action:
- Contact:
- Library staff will contact the RIDES contact at the non-compliant library.
- If the issue continues, library staff will contact the Director at the non-compliant library (if different from the RIDES contact).
- If this does not resolve the issue, library staff shall notify the RIDES Coordinator to contact the RIDES contact at the non-compliant library, and the Director if necessary.
- Written reprimand:
- If the non-compliant library does not comply within one month, the RIDES Coordinator will issue a written warning of suspension.
- Suspension:
- If the non-compliant library does not comply within one month, participation in RIDES will be suspended for a period of two weeks. Credit will not be issued.
- Termination of service:
- If the non-compliant library does not comply after a two week suspension, RIDES service will be terminated and a credit issued for any remaining time in the annual subscription period.
Problem reporting and resolution
If your library experiences any of the situations cited below, please complete the RIDES Assistance form. Options on the form include:
Damaged Materials
- The library that receives damaged materials should submit one form per item.
- RIDES will not accept responsibility for damage, liability, nor will they reimburse, for any items that are shipped through delivery without packaging.
MeLCat Lost/Missing Materials
- The Borrowing library should submit one form per item based upon their MeLCat 'In Transit Too Long' or 'Returned Too Long' report data.
- All items should be reported regardless of Pack/No Pack status.
Non-MeLCat Lost/Missing Materials
- Submit one form per item.
- All missing items should be reported regardless of Pack/No Pack status.
Non Delivery
- Delivery service does not occur on your normally scheduled day.
- Driver did not deliver or pick up all prepared items.
- Report as soon as possible.
- Need additional totes or have too many.
Closing Information
- Library will be closed other than normal schedule or scheduled RIDES holidays.
- Questions or concerns about the label maker, subscriptions, or other issues that do not fit the above criteria.
Recurring problems will be investigated and negotiated by the RIDES Coordinator.
To view your RT tickets go to https://rt.mcls.org/ 
- Log in with the email address used to submit the ticket.
- If the account password is unknown, click on Forgot Your Password? and follow the prompts to reset the password.
Damaged material procedure
- RIDES reimbursement limit is $100.
- Replacement price for AV cases is $5.00.
- Reimbursement is for replacement price if the item can no longer circulate.
- Libraries that participate as No Pack accept full financial responsibility for their own books. No Pack libraries may not invoice borrowing libraries, RIDES, or the courier, for damaged materials.
- The sending library assumes all responsibility for items sent through RIDES packaged improperly.
- MeLCat libraries should follow MeLCat procedures for processing deleted items from their collection.
The library that *receives* a damaged item, whether lending or borrowing, should:
- Contact the library that sent the material within 24 hours of receipt to investigate where the damage may have occurred and whether the item was packaged properly.
- If either the lending or the borrowing library receives service from a central delivery site, question that facility as well.
- If it is believed that the damage occurred while in transit with RIDES, report the damage as soon as possible via the RIDES Assistance form / Damaged Material.
- Send the damaged item, along with any original damaged packaging, to MCLS (ZY001) via RIDES. Include the Damage Report ticket number, replacement cost, and any other pertinent emails or paperwork.
- If the item is wet submit photos with the RIDES Assistance form.
- Send all information within 60 days of the damaged report or forfeit the right to RIDES reimbursement.
Lost/missing material procedure
RIDES Procedures: Simple Missing Workflow
RIDES Procedures: MeLCat Lost/Missing Workflow chart 
Watch the Missing in Action: RIDES Lost and Damaged Procedures recorded webinar on the MeLCat Wiki (MeLCat Wiki Username/Password required).
- Communicate with each other.
- Borrowing libraries are responsible for:
- Materials from the time they leave the Lending library until they are received back at the Lending library
- Notifying RIDES and requesting reimbursement
- Payment to the Lending library
- No Pack libraries accept full financial responsibility for their own books, and may not invoice borrowing libraries, RIDES, or the courier, for lost books.
- Lending libraries should delay invoicing until the RIDES procedure is complete.
- Overdue MeLCat items that do not have a status of 'In Transit' or 'MeL Returned' should be processed using MeLCat Institutional Overdues procedures.
- RIDES maximum reimbursement is $100, AV case replacement is limited to $5.
- MeLCat Borrowing libraries:
- Track items sent to patrons with the 'In Transit Too Long' report.
- Track items returned to the Lending library with the 'Returned Too Long' report.
- Use data from those reports to complete the RIDES Lost/Missing form.
- Non-MeLCat items or non-MeLCat Libraries:
- Complete the RIDES Lost/Missing form.
- Items sent from library A to library B are 'In Transit'.
- Items returned from library B to library A are 'Returned'.
- MeLCat item missing a minimum of 10 days to a maximum of 60 days after shipping
- Borrowing library:
- Search your library for the item
- Contact the Lending library via email
- Lending library:
- Verify the status in local system
- Search the library for the item
- Respond to the Borrowing library within 30 days, or forfeit the right to invoice
- If the item is no longer checked out at the Lending library but the transaction still appears on the MeLCat patron record, contact melcathelp@mcls.org
- If either library receives materials from a central delivery site, search that facility
- Non-MeLCat item is missing a minimum of 10 days to a maximum of 60 days after shipping
- Both libraries search for item and communicate via email
- If either library receives materials from a central delivery site, search that facility
- Lending library must respond in writing within 30 days or forfeit the right to RIDES reimbursement
- If the item is not found the Borrowing library submits a RIDES Assistance/Missing form.
- The report should include the following information:
- Date of occurrence
- Lending library and agency code
- Borrowing library and agency code
- Item status
- Item complete title
- Item author
- Item barcode
- Item format (Book, AV, or Other)
- Item replacement cost (if available)
- NOTE: The report does not require a reimbursement amount to be submitted.
RIDES Lost/Missing report tickets submitted more than 60 days after the item was sent via RIDES will be closed after 30 days.
RIDES Lost/Missing report tickets that are submitted for No Pack Lending Library BOOKS will be closed after 30 days.
Reply to the RIDES report ticket email any time the item is recovered or no longer appears on the 'In Transit Too Long' or 'Returned Too Long' report and the ticket will be closed.
- If the RIDES report ticket has not been closed, 90 days later an email is sent to the Borrowing library.
- Borrowing library:
- Search the library for the item
- Contact the Lending library via email
- Lending library:
- Verify the status in local system
- Search the library for the item
- Respond via email to the Borrowing library within 30 days, or forfeit the right to invoice
- Borrowing library
- Update the RIDES report ticket with the current status of the item by replying to the report ticket email.
- If the item has been recovered or no longer appears on an 'In Transit Too Long' or 'Returned Too Long' report, the ticket will be closed.
- If the RIDES Lost/Missing report ticket is not updated between 90 and 130 days of submission, the report ticket will be closed and the Borrowing library forfeits the right to reimbursement.
- If the RIDES report ticket has not been closed, 150 days later an email is sent to the Borrowing library.
- Borrowing library:
- Search the library for the item
- Contact the Lending library via email
- Lending library:
- Verify the status in local system
- Search the library for the item
- Responds via email to the Borrowing library within 30 days or forfeit the right to invoice
- If the item is still missing send an invoice to the Borrowing library
- Borrowing library
- Update the RIDES report ticket with the current status of the item by replying to the report ticket email.
- If the item has not been recovered, include proof of correspondence, the invoice from the Lending library, and a copy of the report.
- If the item has been recovered or no longer appears on an 'In Transit Too Long' or 'Returned Too Long' report, the ticket will be closed.
- If the RIDES Lost/Missing report ticket is not updated between 150 and 180 days of submission, the report will be closed and the Borrowing library forfeits the right to reimbursement.
- After the full 180 day process MCLS will process any reimbursement payment to Borrowing library. At that time, the RIDES Lost/Missing report ticket will be closed.
Contact information
No Contact Delivery Spot
- Due to COVID-19, and for the protection of both library staff and courier staff, it is recommended there should be no direct contact with RIDES delivery drivers.
- Drivers will not be using signed manifest sheets.
- Delivery and pick up spots must be near the outside door used by the driver.
- Drivers will not go through the building to deliver to a specific desk or department.
- All totes will be dropped off and picked up from one spot.
- Libraries that receive service from a local delivery system should verify those procedures.
COVID-19 Quarantine/Cleaning Information
- Materials
- Based on recent information provided by the CDC (May 2021), MCLS is no longer recommending that libraries quarantine materials for 24-72 hours. MCLS continues to support library staff making quarantine decisions for their specific local situations.
- The REALM project continues to make information available regarding their scientific studies of virus detectability on various materials.
- The REALM project FAQ clearly states that they are not giving recommendations or guidance.
- The CDC states
: “based on available epidemiological data and studies of environmental transmission factors, surface transmission is not the main route by which SARS-CoV-2 spreads, and the risk is considered to be low. The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus
. In most situations, cleaning surfaces using soap or detergent, and not disinfecting, is enough to reduce risk. Disinfection is recommended in indoor community settings where there has been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 24 hours. The risk of fomite [surface] transmission can be reduced by wearing masks consistently and correctly, practicing hand hygiene, cleaning, and taking other measures to maintain healthy facilities.”
- Totes
- Unload incoming RIDES green totes as soon as possible.
- If you choose to clean your totes, MCLS recommends to spray/wipe with:
- Household bleach solution (4 tsp bleach per quart of water or 1/3 cup bleach per gallon of water), allow one minute of contact, dry.
- Return the totes as soon as possible.
Updated 3/11/2022